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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the NLT. Switch to the NLT to read along with the audio.

The Voice (VOICE)
Deuteronomy 32:28-52

28 Moses: They’re a nation with no sense—
        they have no understanding.
29     If only they were wise and understood this
        and realized what was going to happen to them!
30     How could one of their enemies pursue a thousand of them,
        and two of their enemies make ten thousand of them run away,
    Unless their Rock had abandoned them,
        unless the Eternal had handed them over?
31     It’s not because their rock is anything like our Rock—
        even our enemies admit this!
32     No, it’s because their vine is grafted from the vines of Sodom,
        from the terraces of Gomorrah:
    It grows poisonous grapes in bitter clusters
33         and makes wine that’s snake venom and deadly cobra poison.

34 Eternal One: Haven’t I been saving this judgment,
        sealing it away in My storehouse?
35     Revenge is Mine. I will settle all scores![a]
        Soon they’ll stumble because the day of disaster is almost here,
    And their doom is coming quickly!

36 Moses: The Eternal will judge His people[b]
        and have mercy on His servants
    When He sees they have no strength left
        and they’re all gone, both slave and free.
37     Then He’ll say about Israel, “Now where are their gods,
        the rocks where they took shelter,
38     The gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices
        and drank the wine they offered?
    Let them get up and help you, Israel!
        Let them protect you!”

39 Eternal One: Now do you see that I am the One,
        and there is no other God besides Me?
    I have power over life and death;
        I wound, and I heal;
        no one can resist My power!
40     I’m lifting up My hand toward the sky to take an oath,
        and I swear, “As I live forever,
41     When I sharpen My flashing sword
        and use it to bring about justice,
    I’ll give My enemies what they deserve
        and pay back those who hate Me!
42     I’ll get My arrows drunk with blood,
        the blood of the dead and the prisoners,
    And My sword will feast on flesh,
        on the heads with their uncut hair of the enemy leaders!”

43 Moses: You nations, celebrate with His covenant people[c]
        because He’s going to avenge the blood of His servants.
    He’ll give His enemies what they deserve
        and atone for His land and His people.

44 This was the song that Moses presented, together with Joshua[d] (Nun’s son), while all the people were listening. 45 After Moses had said all of these words, everything recorded in this book, to everyone in Israel, 46 he spoke to them.

Moses: Every word I’ve said to you today will be a witness against you, so set it in your heart, remember it well, and teach it to your children, so they’ll be careful to obey every word of this law. 47 You can’t afford to ignore even one word; your very life depends on it! It’s how you’ll be able to live a long time in the land on the other side of the Jordan that will be your territory.

48 The Eternal spoke to Moses on that same day.

God gives Moses a peek at the blessing he missed because of his disobedience.

Eternal One: 49 Climb to the top of Mount Nebo, one of the Abarim mountains here in the land of Moab across the Jordan River from Jericho, and look at the land of Canaan, which I’m giving to the people of Israel as their property. 50 Just as Aaron died when he climbed Mount Hor and joined his ancestors in death, you’ll die on top of the mountain you climb and join your ancestors in death. 51 This is because you and Aaron disobeyed Me in front of all the Israelites at Meribah-kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, when you struck the rock instead of commanding it to give water. You did not honor Me, your holy God, as if you could ignore My instructions if you wanted to, in front of all the Israelites![e] 52 So you can look at this land from a distance, but you can’t go into it, this land I’m giving to the Israelites.

Luke 12:35-59

35-36 I’m not just talking theory. There is urgency in all this. If you’re apathetic and complacent, then you’ll miss the moment of opportunity. You should be wide awake and on your toes like servants who are waiting for their master to return from a big wedding reception. They’ll have their shoes on and their lamps lit so they can open the door for him as soon as he arrives home. 37 How fortunate those servants will be when the master knocks and they open the door immediately! You know what the master will do? He’ll put on an apron, sit them down at the kitchen table, and he’ll serve them a midnight snack. 38 The later he comes home—whether it’s at midnight or even later, just before dawn—the more fortunate the alert servants will be.

39 In contrast, imagine a complacent, apathetic household manager whose house gets robbed. If he had been aware that thieves were waiting in the bushes and what hour they were coming, [he would have watched and][a] he never would have left the house! 40 I’m trying to tell you that these are times for alertness, times requiring a sense of urgency and intensity, because like the master in the first story or the thief in the second, the Son of Man shows up by surprise.

Peter: 41 Lord, I’m not sure if this parable is intended only for us disciples or if this is for everyone else too.

Jesus: 42 Imagine the stories of two household managers, and decide for yourself which one is faithful and smart. Each household manager is told by his master to take good care of all his possessions and to oversee the other employees—the butlers, cooks, gardeners, and so on. 43 One servant immediately busies himself in doing just what he was told. His master eventually comes to check on him 44 and rewards him with a major promotion and with more responsibility and trust. 45 The other household manager thinks, “Look, my boss is going to be gone for a long time. I can be complacent; there’s no urgency here.” So he beats the other employees—the women as well as the men. He sits around like a slob, eating and getting drunk. 46 Then the boss comes home unexpectedly and catches him by surprise. One household manager will be fortunate indeed, and the other will be cut into pieces and thrown out.

47 Now if a servant who is given clear instructions by his master doesn’t follow those instructions but instead is complacent and apathetic, then he will be punished severely. 48 But if a servant doesn’t know what his master expects and behaves badly, then he will receive a lighter punishment. If you are given much, much will be required of you. If much is entrusted to you, much will be expected of you.

49 This is serious business we’re involved in. My mission is to send a purging fire on the earth! In fact, I can hardly wait to see the smoke rising. 50 I have a kind of baptism to go through, and I can’t relax until My mission is accomplished! 51 Do you think I’ve come with a nice little message of peace? No way. Believe Me, My message will divide. 52 It will divide a household of five into three against two or two against three. 53 It will divide father against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.[b]

54 (speaking to the crowd) You see a cloud arise from the sea in the west, and you can say, “Here comes a shower!” And you’re right. 55 Or you feel the hot wind blowing in from the desert in the south and you say, “It’s going to be really hot!” And you’re right. 56 Listen, hypocrites! You can predict the weather by paying attention to the sky and the earth, but why can’t you interpret the urgency of this present moment? 57 Why don’t you see it for yourselves?

58 Imagine you’re being sued. You and your accuser are on your way to court. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to settle out of court before you stand before the magistrate? After all, he might drag you to stand before the judge, and the judge might hand you over to the police, and they might throw you in jail. 59 Once you’re in jail, it’s too late: you’re not going anywhere until you’ve paid in full.

Psalm 78:56-64

56 Even after all this, they disobeyed the Most High God
    and tested His patience
    and did not live by His commands.
57 Rather, they regressed to their fathers’ ways and lived faithlessly—disloyal traitors!
    They were as undependable and untrustworthy as a defective bow,
58 For they triggered His wrath by setting up high places,
    altars to strange gods in His land;
    they aroused His jealousy by bowing down to idols in the shadow of His presence.
59 God boiled with wrath when He witnessed what they were doing;
    He totally rejected Israel.
60 He deserted His own sanctuary at Shiloh,
    the tent where He had lived in the midst of His people.
61 He handed His strength over to captivity;
    He put His splendor under the enemy’s control.
62 He handed His people over to the sword,
    and He was filled with anger toward His chosen ones;
    He was burning with wrath!
63 A great fire consumed all the young men,
    and the virgin girls were without the joy of their wedding songs.
64 Priests met their doom by the blade of a sword,
    and widows had no tears to cry;
    they could not weep.

Proverbs 12:24

24 The hand of the hard workers will one day rule,
    and slackers will be forced to labor.

The Voice (VOICE)

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.