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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CEV. Switch to the CEV to read along with the audio.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)
Deuteronomy 21-22

Unsolved Murders

21 In the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess, if a person who has been killed is found lying in the open country and it is not known who struck him down, then your elders and your judges are to go out and measure the distance from the person who was killed to each of the surrounding towns.

The elders of the city that is closest to the person who was killed are to take a heifer that has not been worked and has not pulled with a yoke. The elders of that city are to bring the heifer down to a gully that has a flowing stream and that has not been plowed and sown, and they are to break the neck of the heifer there in the gully.

Then the priests, the descendants of Levi, are to come near, because the Lord your God has chosen them to serve and to bless you in the name of the Lord, and every dispute and every case of assault is to be decided according to their ruling. Then all the elders of the city closest to the person who was killed are to wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the gully.

Then they are to testify by saying, “Our hands did not pour out this blood, and our eyes did not observe it. Atone, Lord, for your people whom you have redeemed, and do not charge us with taking innocent life among your people Israel.” Then their bloodguilt will be atoned for.

In this way you will purge away from among you the guilt of shedding the blood of an innocent person by doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Captive Wives

10 When you go out for battle against your enemies and the Lord your God gives them into your hands, if you take some of them as captives, 11 and you see in that group of captives a beautiful woman, and you are attracted to her and would like to take her as your wife, 12 then you will bring her into your house. She is to shave her head and trim her nails. 13 She also is to remove the clothing she wore when she was captured and to stay in your house and weep for her father and her mother for a month. After that you may come to her and become her husband and she will become your wife.

14 Then if you are no longer pleased with her, you are to let her go as she desires. You must not sell her for money. You are not to deal with her as a slave,[a] because you have humiliated her.

Family Law

15 If a man has two wives, and one is loved and one is not loved, and both the loved one and the unloved one have borne children for him, and the firstborn son belongs to the unloved wife, 16 then on the day that he bequeaths what he owns to his sons, he cannot declare the son of the loved wife as his firstborn in preference to the son of the unloved wife, who is the true firstborn. 17 He must acknowledge the son of the unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double portion of everything that is recognized as his. Because that son is the beginning of his father’s virility, the legal right of the firstborn belongs to him.

18 If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey the voice of his father and his mother, and they discipline him, but he will not listen to them, 19 then his father and his mother are to take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city and to the gate of his hometown. 20 Then they will say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He does not obey us. He is a worthless glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his city are to stone him to death, and so you will purge the evil from among you, and all Israel will hear and fear.

Miscellaneous Laws

22 If there is a man whose sin justly deserves a death sentence, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree,[b] 23 his dead body is not to remain on the tree overnight. You must bury him on the same day, because a person left hanging on a tree is cursed by God. You are not to defile your ground that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.

22 If you see an ox or a sheep that belongs to your brother Israelite going astray, do not ignore it. Return it to your brother. If your brother Israelite does not live nearby and you are not acquainted with him, bring it to your own house and keep it with you until your brother comes looking for it. Then return it to him. Do the same with his donkey, the same with his clothing, and the same with anything your brother has lost and you have found. You are not allowed to do nothing.[c]

If you see the donkey or ox that belongs to your brother Israelite and it has fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help him lift it up.

A woman must not wear the attire of a man, and a man is not to put on the clothing of a woman, because anyone doing these things is detestable to the Lord your God.

If you happen to see a bird’s nest along the road, whether in a tree or on the ground, and it has young ones or eggs in it, and the mother is sitting over the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother along with the young birds. You may take the young birds for yourself, but be sure to set the mother free, so that it may go well for you and you may have a long life.

When you build a new house, you are to make a railing for your roof so you do not bring bloodguilt on your house if someone should fall from it.

Do not plant your vineyard with two kinds of seed. If you do, the whole yield becomes unusable[d]—both the seed that you sow and the produce from the vineyard.

10 Do not plow with an ox and a donkey together.

11 Do not wear fabric that is a mixture of wool and linen.

12 Make tassels on the four corners of your clothing that you use to cover yourself.

Issues Concerning Marriage

13 If a man marries a woman and goes to her, and afterward he hates her 14 and accuses her with unfounded charges and defames her and says, “I married this woman, but when I approached her I found that she did not have evidence of virginity,” 15 then the father and mother of the girl are to produce evidence of the girl’s virginity and bring it to the elders of the city at the gate.

16 The father of the girl shall say to the elders, “I gave my daughter to this man as a wife, and afterward he hated her, 17 so he has accused her with unfounded charges by saying, ‘I have found that your daughter does not have evidence of virginity,’ but here is the evidence of my daughter’s virginity.” Then they are to spread out the bed covering in front of the elders of the city.

18 Then the elders of that city will take the man and discipline him. 19 They will fine him a hundred pieces of silver and give them to the father of the girl because the man defamed a virgin of Israel. She shall continue to be his wife. He is not allowed to divorce her as long as he lives.

20 But if the accusation proves to be the truth because evidence of the girl’s virginity was not found, 21 then they will bring the girl out to the entrance of her father’s house, and the men of her city will pelt her with stones until she dies, because she did a disgraceful thing in Israel by shaming the house of her father with her sexual immorality. In this way you will purge the evil from among you.

22 If a man is found lying down with a married woman, both of them are to die: the man lying with the woman, and also the woman. In that way you will purge the evil from Israel.

23 If there is a virgin pledged in marriage to a man, and another man comes upon her in the city and lies down with her, 24 take both of them out to the gate of that city and pelt them with stones until they die—the girl, because she did not cry out for help in the city, and the man, because he violated the wife of another man. In that way you will purge the evil from your midst.

25 But if a man comes upon a girl who has been pledged in marriage and they are out in the countryside, and he grabs her and lies down with her, then only the man that lay with her must die. 26 Do not do anything to the girl. There is no sin worthy of death on her part, because this is like a case in which a man attacks another person and kills him. 27 He came upon her in the open country, and the girl who was pledged in marriage cried out for help, but she had no one to rescue her.

28 If a man finds a virgin who is not pledged in marriage and he grabs her and lies down with her and they are caught, 29 the man lying down with her must give the father of the girl fifty pieces of silver, and she will become his wife. Because he violated her, he is not allowed to divorce her as long as he lives.

30 A man must not marry the wife of his father; that is, he is not to remove the skirt that is reserved for his father.

Luke 9:51-10:12

Jesus Is Determined to Go to Jerusalem

51 When the days were approaching for him to be taken up, Jesus was determined[a] to go to Jerusalem. 52 He sent messengers ahead of him. They went and entered a Samaritan village to make preparations for him. 53 But the people did not welcome him, because he was determined to go to Jerusalem. 54 When his disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?”[b]

55 But he turned and rebuked them. “You don’t know what kind of spirit is influencing you. 56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy people’s souls, but to save them.”[c] Then they went to another village.

Follow Jesus

57 As they went on the way, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

58 Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

59 He said to another man, “Follow me!”

But he said, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

60 Jesus told him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

61 Another man also said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say good-bye to those at my home.”

62 Jesus told him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Jesus Appoints Seventy-Two

10 After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two[d] others and sent them out two by two ahead of him[e] to every town and place where he was about to go.

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. Go your way. Look, I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. Do not carry a money bag or traveler’s bag or sandals. Do not greet anyone along the way. Whenever you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ And if a peaceful person is there, your peace will rest on him, but if not, it will return to you. Remain in that same house, eating and drinking what they give you, because the worker is worthy of his pay. Do not keep moving from house to house. Whenever you enter a town and they welcome you, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick who are in the town and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near you.’

10 “But whenever you enter a town and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say, 11 ‘Even the dust from your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this: The kingdom of God has come near.’ 12 I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom on that day than for that town.

Psalm 74

Psalm 74

The Destruction of the Temple


A maskil[a] by Asaph.

Introductory Plea

Why do you stay angry to the end, O God?
Why does your anger smoke against the flock in your pasture?
Remember your community that you purchased long ago,
the tribe that you redeemed to be your possession.
Remember Mount Zion where you dwell.
March toward the perpetual ruins.
March against all the evil done by the enemy in the sanctuary.

The Destruction

Your foes roared in the middle of your appointed place.
They set up their battle standards as signs.
They looked like men swinging axes in a thicket of trees.
Yes, they even chopped up all the carved paneling
    with their hatchets and hammers.
They delivered your sanctuary to the fire.
They defiled the dwelling place for your Name
    by throwing it to the ground.
They said in their hearts, “We will crush them completely!”
They burned all the appointed places of God in the land.


We do not see any signs to guide us.
There is no longer a prophet,
and none of us knows how long this will go on.
10 How long will the foe scoff, O God?
Will the enemy insult your name forever?
11 Why do you hold back your hand, even your right hand?
Take it out of your pocket[b] and finish them off!

God’s Past Goodness

12 But you, O God, are my king from long ago,
the one who works salvation right here on earth.
13 It was you who shattered the sea by your power.
You broke the heads of the great sea monsters.
14 It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan.[c]
You gave him as food to the people who live in the desert.
15 It was you who opened up a spring and a seasonal stream.
You dried up the rivers that flow year-round.
16 The day belongs to you, and the night is also yours.
You set the moon and sun in place.
17 It was you who laid out all the boundaries of the earth.
Summer and winter—you shaped them.

Plea for Relief

18 Remember this—the enemy scoffs, Lord,
and a foolish people has insulted your name.
19 Do not surrender the life of your turtledove to a wild animal.
Do not forget the life of your afflicted ones forever.
20 Pay attention to the covenant,
because dens of violence fill the dark places in the land.
21 Do not let the oppressed turn back in disgrace.
Let the poor and needy praise your name.
22 Rise up, O God, and prosecute your case.
Remember how the fools mocked you all day long.
23 Do not forget the sound of your foes,
the uproar of those who rise against you, which goes up continually.

Proverbs 12:11

11 A person who works his land will have enough food,
but whoever pursues fantasies lacks sense.

Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.