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The Daily Audio Bible

This reading plan is provided by Brian Hardin from Daily Audio Bible.
Duration: 731 days

Today's audio is from the CSB. Switch to the CSB to read along with the audio.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Jeremiah 14:11-16:15

Lying Prophets

11 The Lord said, “Jeremiah, don't ask me to help these people. 12 They may even go without eating[a] and offer sacrifices to please me[b] and to give thanks.[c] But when they cry out for my help, I won't listen, and I won't accept their sacrifices. Instead, I'll send war, starvation, and disease to wipe them out.”

13 I replied, “The other prophets keep telling everyone that you won't send starvation or war, and that you're going to give us peace.”

14 The Lord answered:

They claim to speak for me, but they're lying! I didn't even speak to them, much less choose them to be my prophets. Their messages come from worthless dreams, useless fortunetelling, and their own imaginations.

15 Those lying prophets say there will be peace and plenty of food. But I say that those same prophets will die from war and hunger. 16 And everyone who listens to them will be killed, just as they deserve. Their dead bodies will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem, because their families will also be dead, and no one will be left to bury them.[d]

17 Jeremiah, go and tell the people how you feel about all this.

So I told them:

“Tears will flood my eyes
    both day and night,
because my nation suffers
    from a deadly wound.
18 In the fields I see the bodies
    of those killed in battle.
And in the towns I see crowds
    dying of hunger.
But the prophets and priests
    go about their business,
without understanding
    what has happened.”[e]

Jeremiah Prays to the Lord

19 Have you rejected Judah, Lord?
    Do you hate Jerusalem?
Why did you strike down Judah
    with a fatal wound?
We had hoped for peace
and a time of healing,
    but all we got was terror.
20 We and our ancestors are guilty
    of rebelling against you.
21 If you save us, it will show
    how great you are.
Don't let our enemies
disgrace your temple,
    your beautiful throne.
Don't forget that you promised
    to rescue us.
22 Idols can't send rain,
and showers don't fall
    by themselves.
Only you control the rain,
so we put our trust in you,
    the Lord our God.

The People of Judah Will Die

15 (A) The Lord said to me:

Even if Moses and Samuel were here, praying with you, I wouldn't change my mind. So send the people of Judah away. (B) And when they ask where they are going, tell them that I, the Lord, have said:

Some of you are going to die
    of horrible diseases.
Others are going to die in war
    or from starvation.
The rest will be led away
    to a foreign country.
I will punish you
    in four different ways:
You will be killed in war
and your bodies dragged off
    by dogs,
your flesh will be eaten by birds,
and your bones will be chewed on
    by wild animals.
(C) This punishment will happen
because of the horrible things[f]
    your King Manasseh[g] did.
And you will be disgusting
    to all nations on earth.
People of Jerusalem,
    who will feel sorry for you?
Will anyone bother
    to ask if you are well?

My people, you abandoned me
    and walked away.
I am tired of showing mercy;
    that's why I'll destroy you
by scattering you like straw
    blown by the wind.
I will punish you with sorrow
    and death,
because you refuse
    to change your ways.
There will be more widows
    in Judah
than grains of sand on a beach.

A surprise attack at noon!
And the mothers in Jerusalem
    mourn for their children.
A mother is in deep despair
    and struggles for breath.
Her daylight has turned
    to darkness—
she has suffered the loss
    of her seven sons.

I will kill anyone who survives.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

Jeremiah Complains

10 I wish I had never been born!
I'm always in trouble
    with everyone in Judah.
I never lend or borrow money,
but everyone curses me
    just the same.

11 Then the Lord replied,
“I promise to protect you,
    and when disaster comes,
even your enemies
    will beg you for help.”[h]

The Enemy Cannot Be Defeated

The Lord told me to say:

12 People of Judah,
just as you can't break iron
    mixed with bronze,
you can't defeat the enemies
that will attack
    from the north.
13 I will give them
    everything you own,
because you have sinned
    everywhere in your country.
14 My anger is a fire
    that cannot be put out,[i]
so I will make you slaves
of your enemies
    in a foreign land.[j]

Jeremiah Complains Again

15 You can see how I suffer
insult after insult,
    all because of you, Lord.
Don't be so patient
    with my enemies;
take revenge on them
    before they kill me.

16 When you spoke to me,
    I was glad to obey,
because I belong to you,
    the Lord All-Powerful.
17 I don't go to parties
    and have a good time.
Instead, I keep to myself,
because you have filled me
    with your anger.

18 I am badly injured
    and in constant pain.
Are you going to disappoint me,
like a stream that goes dry
    in the heat of summer?

The Lord Replies

19 Then the Lord told me:
    Stop talking like a fool!
If you turn back to me
    and speak my message,
I will let you be my prophet
    once again.
I hope the people of Judah
    will accept what you say.
But you can ignore their threats,
* 20 because I am making you strong,
    like a bronze wall.
They are evil and violent,
    but when they attack,
21 I will be there to rescue you.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

Jeremiah Must Live His Message

16 The Lord said to me:

Jeremiah, don't get married and have children—Judah is no place to raise a family. I'll tell you what's going to happen to children and their parents here. They will die of horrible diseases and of war and starvation. No one will give them a funeral or bury them, and their bodies will be food for the birds and wild animals. And what's left will lie on the ground like manure.

When someone dies, don't visit the family or show any sorrow. I will no longer love or bless or have any pity on the people of Judah. Rich and poor alike will die and be left unburied. No one will mourn and show their sorrow by cutting themselves or shaving their heads.[k] No one will bring food and wine to help comfort those who are mourning the death of their father or mother.

Don't even set foot in a house where there is eating and drinking and celebrating. (D) Warn the people of Judah that I, the Lord All-Powerful, will put an end to all their parties and wedding celebrations. 10 They will ask, “Why has the Lord our God threatened us with so many disasters? Have we done something wrong or sinned against him?”

11 Then tell them I have said:

People of Judah, your ancestors turned away from me; they rejected my laws and teachings and started worshiping other gods. 12 And you have done even worse! You are stubborn, and instead of obeying me, you do whatever evil comes to your mind. 13 So I will throw you into a land that you and your ancestors know nothing about, a place where you will have to worship other gods both day and night. And I won't feel the least bit sorry for you.

14 A time will come when you will again worship me. But you will no longer call me the Living Lord who rescued Israel from Egypt. 15 Instead, you will call me the Living Lord who rescued you from that country in the north and from the other countries where I had forced you to go.

Someday I will bring you back to this land that I gave your ancestors.

1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13

My dear friends, you surely haven't forgotten our hard work and hardships. You remember how night and day we struggled to make a living, so we could tell you God's message without being a burden to anyone. 10 Both you and God are witnesses that we were pure and honest and innocent in our dealings with you followers of the Lord. 11 You also know we did everything for you that parents would do for their own children. 12 We begged, encouraged, and urged each of you to live in a way that would honor God. He is the one who chose you to share in his own kingdom and glory.

13 We always thank God that you believed the message we preached. It came from him, and it isn't something made up by humans. You accepted it as God's message, and now he is working in you. 14 (A) My friends, you did just like God's churches in Judea and like the other followers of Christ Jesus there. And so, you were mistreated by your own people, in the same way they were mistreated by their people.

15 (B) Those evil people killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and they even chased us away. God doesn't like what they do and neither does anyone else. 16 They keep us from speaking his message to the Gentiles and from leading them to be saved. They have always gone too far with their sins. Now God has finally become angry and will punish them.

Paul Wants To Visit the Church Again

17 My friends, we were kept from coming to you for a while, but we never stopped thinking about you. We were eager to see you and tried our best to visit you in person. 18 We really wanted to come. I myself tried several times, but Satan always stopped us. 19 After all, when the Lord Jesus appears, who else but you will give us hope and joy and be like a glorious crown for us? 20 You alone are our glory and joy!

(C) Finally, we couldn't stand it any longer. We decided to stay in Athens by ourselves and send our friend Timothy to you. He works with us as God's servant and preaches the good news about Christ. We wanted him to make you strong in your faith and to encourage you. We didn't want any of you to be discouraged by all these troubles. You knew we would have to suffer, because when we were with you, we told you this would happen. And we did suffer, as you well know. At last, when I could not wait any longer, I sent Timothy to find out about your faith. I hoped Satan had not tempted you and made all our work useless.

(D) Timothy has now come back from his visit with you and has told us about your faith and love. He also said that you always have happy memories of us and that you want to see us as much as we want to see you.

My friends, even though we have a lot of trouble and suffering, your faith makes us feel better about you. Your strong faith in the Lord is like a breath of new life. How can we possibly thank God enough for all the happiness you have brought us? 10 Day and night we sincerely pray that we will see you again and help you to have an even stronger faith.

11 We pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus will let us visit you. 12 May the Lord make your love for each other and for everyone else grow by leaps and bounds. This is how our love for you has grown. 13 And when our Lord comes with all his people, I pray he will make your hearts pure and innocent in the sight of God the Father.

Psalm 80

(A psalm by Asaph for the music leader. To the tune “Lilies of the Agreement.”)

Help Our Nation

(A) Shepherd of Israel, you lead
    the descendants of Joseph,
and you sit on your throne
    above the winged creatures.[a]
Listen to our prayer
    and let your light shine
for the tribes of Ephraim,
Benjamin, and Manasseh.
    Save us by your power.

Our God, make us strong again!
    Smile on us and save us.

Lord God All-Powerful,
    how much longer
will the prayers of your people
    make you angry?
You gave us tears for food,
and you made us drink them
    by the bowlful.
Because of you,
our enemies who live nearby
    laugh and joke about us.
Our God, make us strong again!
    Smile on us and save us.

We were like a grapevine
    you brought out of Egypt.
You chased other nations away
    and planted us here.
Then you cleared the ground,
and we put our roots deep,
    spreading over the land.
10 Shade from this vine covered
    the mountains.
Its branches climbed
the mighty cedars
11     and stretched to the sea;
its new growth reached
    to the river.[b]

12 Our Lord, why have you
torn down the wall
    from around the vineyard?
You let everyone who walks by
    pick the grapes.
13 Now the vine is gobbled up
by pigs from the forest
    and other wild animals.

14 God All-Powerful,
    please do something!
Look down from heaven
and see what's happening
    to this vine.
15 With your own hands
    you planted its roots,
and you raised it
    as your very own.

16 Enemies chopped the vine down
    and set it on fire.
Now show your anger
    and destroy them.
17 But help the one who sits
    at your right side,[c]
the one you raised
    to be your very own.
18 Then we will never turn away.
Put new life into us,
    and we will worship you.

19 Lord God All-Powerful,
make us strong again!
    Smile on us and save us.

Proverbs 25:1-5

More of Solomon's Wise Sayings

25 Here are some more
    of Solomon's proverbs.
They were copied by the officials
    of King Hezekiah of Judah.
God is praised
    for being mysterious;
rulers are praised
    for explaining mysteries.
Who can fully understand
    the thoughts of a ruler?
They reach beyond the sky
    and go deep in the earth.

Silver must be purified
before it can be used
    to make something of value.
Evil people must be removed
before anyone can rule
    with justice.

Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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