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However, God will once again have mercy on them and bring them back to the land of Israel. They will rebuild the temple of God, but it will not be comparable to the first one until the period when the appointed times will come. Then they will all return from their captivity and rebuild Jerusalem in splendor. And the temple of God will be rebuilt there, as the prophets of Israel have foretold.

“All the nations of the entire world will be converted and offer sincere worship to God. They will all renounce their idols who have deceitfully led them into error, and with justice they will praise the eternal God. All of the Israelites who are spared in those days and remain firmly mindful of God will be gathered together. They will go to Jerusalem and dwell in safety forever in the land of Abraham, which will be given over to them. Those who sincerely love God will rejoice, whereas those who are guilty of sin and wickedness will disappear from the earth.

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