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Kanu waa sabuur Aasaaf tiriyey.

79 Ilaahow, quruumihii kale waxay u soo galeen dhaxalkaagii,
Macbudkaagii quduuska ahaana way nijaaseeyeen,
Oo Yeruusaalemna waxay ka dhigeen tuulmooyin.
Meydadkii addoommadaada waxay cunto uga dhigeen haadka samada,
Oo hilibkii quduusiintaadana waxay cunto uga dhigeen dugaagga dhulka.
Dhiiggoodiina waxay Yeruusaalem hareeraheeda ugu daadiyeen sidii biyo oo kale,
Cid aastaana ma jirin.
Waxaannu cay u noqonnay derisyadayadii,
Kuwa nagu wareegsanna wax la quudhsado oo lagu qoslo.
Rabbiyow, ilaa goormaad noo cadhaysnaan doontaa? Ma weligaa baa?
Masayrkaagu ma sida dab buu u ololi doonaa?
Cadhadaada ku soo deji quruumaha aan ku aqoon,
Iyo boqortooyooyinka aan magacaaga kugu baryin.
Waayo, waxay laayeen reer Yacquub,
Rugtoodiina way baabbi'iyeen.
Ha noo xusuusnaan dembiyadii awowayaashayo,
Naxariistaadu dhaqsiyo ha noogu timaado,
Waayo, aad baa lanoo dhibay.
Ilaaha badbaadadayadow, magacaaga ammaantiisa daraaddeed noo caawi,
Oo magacaaga daraaddiis noo samatabbixi, oo dembiyadayada naga nadiifi.
10 Bal maxaa quruumuhu u leeyihiin, Ilaahoodu meeh?
Dhiiggii addoommadaada oo ay daadiyeen aargoosashadiisii
Ha lagu ogaado quruumaha dhexdooda annagoo arkayna.
11 Maxbuuska taahiisu hortaada ha yimaado,
Xooggaaga weynaantiisa ku badbaadi kuwa dhimashada lagu xukumay.
12 Sayidow, derisyadayada toddoba jibbaar ugu abaalmari,
Oo laabta u geli caydii ay kugu caayeen.
13 Haddaba annagoo ah dadkaaga iyo idihii daaqsintaada
Waannu kugu mahadnaqaynaa weligayo,
Oo ammaantaada waannu ka sheekaysan doonnaa tan iyo ka ab ka ab.

Psalm 79

A psalm of Asaph.

O God, the nations have invaded your inheritance;(A)
    they have defiled(B) your holy temple,
    they have reduced Jerusalem to rubble.(C)
They have left the dead bodies of your servants
    as food for the birds of the sky,(D)
    the flesh of your own people for the animals of the wild.(E)
They have poured out blood like water
    all around Jerusalem,
    and there is no one to bury(F) the dead.(G)
We are objects of contempt to our neighbors,
    of scorn(H) and derision to those around us.(I)

How long,(J) Lord? Will you be angry(K) forever?
    How long will your jealousy burn like fire?(L)
Pour out your wrath(M) on the nations
    that do not acknowledge(N) you,
on the kingdoms
    that do not call on your name;(O)
for they have devoured(P) Jacob
    and devastated his homeland.

Do not hold against us the sins of past generations;(Q)
    may your mercy come quickly to meet us,
    for we are in desperate need.(R)
Help us,(S) God our Savior,
    for the glory of your name;
deliver us and forgive our sins
    for your name’s sake.(T)
10 Why should the nations say,
    “Where is their God?”(U)

Before our eyes, make known among the nations
    that you avenge(V) the outpoured blood(W) of your servants.
11 May the groans of the prisoners come before you;
    with your strong arm preserve those condemned to die.
12 Pay back into the laps(X) of our neighbors seven times(Y)
    the contempt they have hurled at you, Lord.
13 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture,(Z)
    will praise you forever;(AA)
from generation to generation
    we will proclaim your praise.