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Quicˈameˈ riqˈuin li Jesús jun li ixk li quixmux ru xsumlajic

Li Jesús co̱ saˈ li tzu̱l Olivos. Cuulajak chic nak toj ekˈela co̱ cuiˈchic saˈ li templo. Li qˈuila tenamit queˈcuulac riqˈuin. Ut nak quicˈojla, qui‑oc cuiˈchic chixchˈolobanquil li xya̱lal chiruheb. Eb laj fariseo ut eb laj tzolol chakˈrab queˈxcˈam riqˈuin li Jesús jun li ixk yo̱ chixmuxbal ru xsumlajic nak queˈxtau ut coxxeˈxxakab chiruheb chixjunileb. Queˈxye: ―At tzolonel, li ixk aˈin yo̱ chixmuxbal ru xsumlajic nak xkatau. Saˈ li chakˈrab li quixqˈue ke laj Moisés naxye nak cutbileb chi pec nak teˈcamsi̱k eb li ixk li nequeˈxmux ru lix sumlajic joˈ xba̱nu li ixk aˈin. Ut la̱at, ¿cˈaˈru nacaye? chanqueb. Queˈxye re li Jesús chi joˈcan yal re rilbal cˈaˈ na ru tixye xban nak yo̱queb chixsicˈbal cˈaˈru teˈxjit cuiˈ. Aban li Jesús quixxulub rib ut qui‑oc chi tzˈi̱bac chiru chˈochˈ riqˈuin ruˈuj rukˈ. Ut xban nak yo̱queb chixpatzˈbal, li Jesús quixakli cuiˈchic ut quixye reheb: ―Li ani ma̱cˈaˈ xma̱c saˈ e̱ya̱nk, aˈan li xbe̱n li tixcut li pec, chan. Ut quixxulub rib ut qui‑oc cuiˈchic chi tzˈi̱bac chiru chˈochˈ. Nak queˈrabi li cˈaˈru quixye, queˈrecˈa rib xban nak cuanqueb xma̱c ut queˈoc chi e̱lc chi xju̱nkaleb. Xbe̱n cua queˈel li che̱quel cui̱nk ut chirixeb aˈan queˈel li toj sa̱jeb. Quicana xjunes li Jesús ut li ixk xakxo chiru. 10 Li Jesús quixakli cuiˈchic ut quixye re li ixk: ―¿Bar cuanqueb li yo̱queb chi jitoc a̱cue? ¿Ma ma̱ ani xqˈuehoc a̱cue chixtojbal a̱ma̱c? chan. 11 Ut li ixk quixye re: ―Ma̱ jun, Ka̱cuaˈ.― Ut li Jesús quixye re: ―Chi moco la̱in tatinqˈue chixtojbal a̱ma̱c. Ayu ut matma̱cob chic, chan.

Li Jesús quixchˈolob xya̱lal chiruheb nak aˈan li Cristo

12 Li Jesús quia̱tinac cuiˈchic riqˈuineb li tenamit ut quixye reheb: ―La̱in lix cutan saken li ruchichˈochˈ. Li ani ta̱pa̱ba̱nk cue la̱in, incˈaˈ chic ta̱cua̱nk saˈ xkˈojyi̱nal ru li ma̱c. Ta̱cua̱nk ban saˈ cutan saken ut ta̱cua̱nk xyuˈam chi junelic, chan. 13 Ut eb laj fariseo queˈxye re: ―Ma̱cˈaˈ na‑oc cuiˈ li cˈaˈru yo̱cat chixyebal xban nak cha̱cuix ajcuiˈ la̱at yo̱cat chi a̱tinac, chanqueb. 14 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Cuan xcuanquil li ninye usta yo̱quin chi a̱tinac chicuix la̱in xban nak tzˈakal ya̱l li ninye. La̱ex incˈaˈ nequenau bar xinchal chak, chi moco nequenau bar tinxic. Caˈaj cuiˈ la̱in ninnaˈoc re bar xinchal chak ut bar tinxic. 15 La̱ex nequexrakoc a̱tin joˈ nequeraj la̱ex e̱junes. La̱in ma̱ ani saˈ aj be̱n yo̱quin chi rakoc a̱tin. 16 Abanan cui tinrakok a̱tin, tinba̱nu saˈ ti̱quilal xban nak incˈaˈ ninrakoc a̱tin injunes. Ninba̱nu ban joˈ naraj lin Yucuaˈ li quitaklan chak cue. 17 Saˈ le̱ chakˈrab tzˈi̱banbil retalil cui cuan cuibeb li cui̱nk junaj lix cˈaˈuxeb riqˈuin li cˈaˈru teˈxye, tento xpa̱banquil li ra̱tineb. 18 La̱in ninye li ya̱l chicuix ajcuiˈ la̱in. Ut lin Yucuaˈ li quitaklan chak cue, aˈan naxchˈolob ajcuiˈ li ya̱l chicuix, chan li Jesús. 19 Eb laj fariseo queˈchakˈoc ut queˈxye re: ―¿Ani la̱ yucuaˈ? chanqueb re. Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―La̱ex incˈaˈ nequenau ani lin Yucuaˈ xban nak incˈaˈ nequenau cuu la̱in. Cui ta nequenau cuu la̱in, nequenau aj raj cuiˈ ru lin Yucuaˈ, chan reheb. 20 Chixjunil aˈin quixye li Jesús reheb nak yo̱ chixchˈolobanquil li xya̱lal chiruheb li cuanqueb saˈ li templo saˈ li naˈajej bar nequeˈxqˈue cuiˈ lix mayejeb. Ut ma̱ ani quichapoc re xban nak toj ma̱jiˈ nacuulac xkˈehil. 21 Ut li Jesús quixye cuiˈchic reheb: ―La̱in tinxic. Tine̱sicˈ raj chic abanan incˈaˈ tine̱tau xban nak incˈaˈ ta̱ru̱k texxic bar tinxic cuiˈ la̱in. Texca̱mk ban saˈ le̱ ma̱c, chan. 22 Ut eb laj judío queˈxye: ―Aˈan xye nak incˈaˈ naru toxic bar ta̱xic cuiˈ aˈan. ¿Cˈaˈut nak xye ke chi joˈcan? ¿Ma yo̱ chixcˈoxlanquil xcamsinquil rib? chanqueb. 23 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―La̱ex aj ruchichˈochˈ. Abanan la̱in ma̱cuaˈin aj ruchichˈochˈ. La̱in saˈ choxa xinchal chak. 24 Joˈcan nak xinye e̱re nak texca̱mk saˈ le̱ ma̱c. La̱ex texca̱mk saˈ le̱ ma̱c cui incˈaˈ nequepa̱b nak la̱in ac cuanquin ajcuiˈ chak saˈ xticlajic joˈ xinye e̱re, chan li Jesús. 25 Ut eb aˈan queˈxye re: ―Ye ke. ¿Anihat tzˈakal la̱at? chanqueb. Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Chalen saˈ xticlajic quinye chak e̱re anihin la̱in. 26 Nabal li cˈaˈak re ru naru tinye raj e̱re re xrakbal a̱tin saˈ e̱be̱n. Li ani quitaklan chak cue, aˈan ti̱c xchˈo̱l ut naxye li ya̱l. Li cˈaˈru xcˈut chicuu li quitaklan chak cue, aˈan li ninye e̱re la̱ex li cuanquex saˈ ruchichˈochˈ, chan. 27 Abanan eb aˈan incˈaˈ queˈxtau ru nak li Jesús yo̱ chi a̱tinac chirix li Acuabej Dios. 28 Ut quixye ajcuiˈ li Jesús reheb: ―Nak acak xine̱taksi chiru li cruz re incamsinquil toj aran te̱qˈue retal nak la̱in li taklanbilin chak xban li Dios. Ut te̱nau nak ma̱cˈaˈ ninba̱nu injunes. Li cˈaˈru ninye la̱in, aˈan li quixcˈutbesi chicuu lin Yucuaˈ. 29 Li ani quitaklan chak cue, aˈan cuan cuiqˈuin. Aˈan incˈaˈ quinixcanab injunes xban nak la̱in junelic ninba̱nu li cˈaˈru naraj aˈan, chan li Jesús. 30 Nabaleb queˈpa̱ban re li Jesús nak queˈrabi li cˈaˈru quixye.

Li Jesús quixye aniheb li ralal xcˈajol laj Abraham ut aniheb li ralal xcˈajol laj tza

31 Li Jesús quia̱tinac riqˈuineb laj judío li queˈpa̱ban re. Quixye reheb: ―Cui la̱ex te̱ba̱nu li cˈaˈru ninye e̱re, la̱exak tzˈakal intzolom. 32 Te̱nau chic li xya̱lal. Ut nak acak xenau chic li xya̱lal, libre chic cua̱nkex, chan. 33 Eb aˈan queˈchakˈoc ut queˈxye: ―La̱o ralal xcˈajol laj Abraham. Ma̱ jun cua cˈayinbilo chi cˈanjelac chiru anihak. ¿Cˈaˈut nak nacaye nak libre chic cua̱nko? 34 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Relic chi ya̱l ninye e̱re nak chixjunileb li nequeˈxba̱nu li ma̱usilal cuanqueb rubel xcuanquil li ma̱c. Chanchan nak cˈayinbileb chi cˈanjelac chiru. 35 Junak cˈayinbil chi cˈanjelac moco ta̱cana̱k ta chi junaj cua saˈ rochoch lix patrón. Aˈut li alalbej, aˈan tento nak ta̱cana̱k saˈ rochoch chi junaj cua. 36 Joˈcan nak cui la̱in li Cˈajolbej tincolok e̱re chiru li ma̱c, relic chi ya̱l libre chic cua̱nkex. 37 La̱in ninnau nak la̱ex xcomonex li ralal xcˈajol laj Abraham. Abanan cuan saˈ e̱ya̱nk li teˈraj incamsinquil xban nak incˈaˈ nacuulac chiruheb li cˈaˈru yo̱quin chixyebal. 38 La̱in ninye li cˈaˈru quixcˈut chicuu lin Yucuaˈ. Ut eb aˈan nequeˈxba̱nu li cˈaˈru quixye reheb lix yucuaˈeb aˈan, chan. 39 Eb aˈan queˈxye re: ―Laj Abraham, aˈan li kaxeˈto̱nil yucuaˈ, chanqueb. Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Cui ta la̱ex ralal xcˈajol laj Abraham, te̱ba̱nu raj joˈ quixba̱nu laj Abraham. Cha̱bil raj le̱ naˈleb joˈ xnaˈleb aˈan nak quicuan. 40 Abanan la̱ex te̱raj incamsinquil xban nak la̱in xinye e̱re li xya̱lal joˈ quicˈutbesi̱c chicuu xban li Dios Acuabej. Laj Abraham incˈaˈ quixba̱nu joˈ yo̱quex la̱ex. 41 Incˈaˈ yo̱quex chixba̱nunquil li quixye laj Abraham. Yo̱quex ban chixba̱nunquil li naxye le̱ yucuaˈ, chan li Jesús. Eb aˈan queˈchakˈoc ut queˈxye re: ―Moco la̱o ta ralal xcˈajol laj coˈbe̱t. Jun ajcuiˈ li kayucuaˈ cuan. Aˈan li Dios, chanqueb. 42 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Cui ta ya̱l nak li Dios e̱yucuaˈ, niquine̱ra raj la̱in xban nak riqˈuin li Dios quinchal chak. Cuanquin arin saˈ e̱ya̱nk. Incˈaˈ quintakla chak cuib injunes. Aˈ li Dios, aˈan li quitaklan chak cue. 43 ¿Cˈaˈut nak incˈaˈ nequetau ru li cˈaˈru ninye? Incˈaˈ nequecˈul li cua̱tin xban nak incˈaˈ nequeraj rabinquil li cˈaˈru yo̱quin chixyebal. 44 La̱ex ralal xcˈajol laj tza. Aˈan li nataklan saˈ e̱be̱n. La̱ex nequeba̱nu li cˈaˈru naraj aˈan xban nak cuanquex rubel xcuanquil. Aˈan aj camsinel chalen saˈ xticlajic. Incˈaˈ nacuulac chiru li ya̱l xban nak aˈan aj ticˈtiˈ. Ac re nak naticˈtiˈic. Aˈan li xyucuaˈil li ticˈtiˈ. 45 La̱in ninye e̱re li xya̱lal. Joˈcan nak incˈaˈ niquine̱pa̱b. 46 ¿Ma cuan junak saˈ e̱ya̱nk ta̱ru̱k tixye nak cuan inma̱c la̱in? Cui ninye li ya̱l, ¿cˈaˈut nak incˈaˈ niquine̱pa̱b? 47 Cui ta la̱ex ralal xcˈajol li Dios, nequepa̱b raj li cˈaˈru naxye. Abanan la̱ex ma̱cuaˈex ralal xcˈajol li Dios. Joˈcan nak incˈaˈ nequeraj rabinquil li cˈaˈru naxye, chan li Jesús. 48 Queˈchakˈoc eb laj judío ut queˈxye re: ―Ya̱l ajcuiˈ nacaye. Samaria la̱ tenamit ut cuan ma̱us aj musikˈej a̱cuiqˈuin, chanqueb. 49 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Ma̱cˈaˈ ma̱us aj musikˈej cuiqˈuin. Li cˈaˈru yo̱quin chixba̱nunquil la̱in, aˈan xqˈuebal xlokˈal lin Yucuaˈ. Abanan la̱ex niquine̱tzˈekta̱na. 50 La̱in incˈaˈ ninsicˈ inlokˈal. Abanan cuan jun naraj nak ta̱qˈuehekˈ inlokˈal. Ut aˈan li ta̱rakok a̱tin saˈ e̱be̱n xban nak yo̱quex chintzˈekta̱nanquil. 51 Relic chi ya̱l ninye e̱re nak li ani tixba̱nu li cˈaˈru ninye, li jun aˈan incˈaˈ ta̱ca̱mk, chan. 52 Eb laj judío queˈchakˈoc ut queˈxye: ―Anakcuan nakanau chi tzˈakal nak cuan ma̱us aj musikˈej a̱cuiqˈuin. Laj Abraham quicam ut queˈcam ajcuiˈ eb li profeta. Abanan la̱at nacaye nak li ani ta̱ba̱nu̱nk re li cˈaˈru nacaye incˈaˈ ta̱ca̱mk. 53 ¿Ma kˈaxal nim ta biˈ a̱cuanquil la̱at chiru laj Abraham li kaxeˈto̱nil yucuaˈ? Aˈan quicam ut queˈcam ajcuiˈ li profeta. ¿Anihat la̱at nak nacaye chi joˈcan? chanqueb re. 54 Li Jesús quixye reheb: ―Cui la̱in tinqˈue inlokˈal injunes, ma̱cˈaˈ na‑oc cuiˈ lin lokˈal. Li naqˈuehoc lin lokˈal, aˈan lin Yucuaˈ li nequeye la̱ex nak aˈan le̱ Dios. 55 La̱ex incˈaˈ nequenau ru aˈan. Abanan la̱in ninnau ru. Cui ut tinye ta nak incˈaˈ ninnau ru, la̱inak raj aj ticˈtiˈ joˈ la̱ex. Aban la̱in ninnau ru ut ninba̱nu li cˈaˈru naxye aˈan. 56 Laj Abraham le̱ xeˈto̱nil yucuaˈ quisahoˈ saˈ xchˈo̱l nak tincha̱lk saˈ ruchichˈochˈ. Quiril nak quincˈulun ut quisahoˈ saˈ xchˈo̱l xban, chan li Jesús reheb. 57 Eb aˈan queˈxye re: ―¿Chanru nak xacuil ru laj Abraham? La̱at toj ma̱jiˈ nacaba̱nu laje̱b roxcˈa̱l (50) chihab, chanqueb. 58 Li Jesús quichakˈoc ut quixye reheb: ―Relic chi ya̱l tinye e̱re nak chalen chak saˈ xticlajic nak toj ma̱jiˈ nayoˈla laj Abraham, ac cuanquin ajcuiˈ chak la̱in, chan li Jesús. 59 Cˈajoˈ nak queˈjoskˈoˈ ut queˈoc raj chixcutinquil chi pec. Abanan li Jesús quixmuk rib chiruheb. Qui‑el saˈ li templo ut co̱.

but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.(A)

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them.(B) The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.(C) Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap,(D) in order to have a basis for accusing him.(E)

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone(F) at her.”(G) Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,”(H) Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”(I)

Dispute Over Jesus’ Testimony

12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am(J) the light of the world.(K) Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(L)

13 The Pharisees challenged him, “Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid.”(M)

14 Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going.(N) But you have no idea where I come from(O) or where I am going. 15 You judge by human standards;(P) I pass judgment on no one.(Q) 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me.(R) 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true.(S) 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”(T)

19 Then they asked him, “Where is your father?”

“You do not know me or my Father,”(U) Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”(V) 20 He spoke these words while teaching(W) in the temple courts near the place where the offerings were put.(X) Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come.(Y)

Dispute Over Who Jesus Is

21 Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die(Z) in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.”(AA)

22 This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?”

23 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.(AB) 24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he,(AC) you will indeed die in your sins.”

25 “Who are you?” they asked.

“Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied. 26 “I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy,(AD) and what I have heard from him I tell the world.”(AE)

27 They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. 28 So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up[a] the Son of Man,(AF) then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.(AG) 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone,(AH) for I always do what pleases him.”(AI) 30 Even as he spoke, many believed in him.(AJ)

Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching,(AK) you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”(AL)

33 They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants(AM) and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.(AN) 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.(AO) 36 So if the Son sets you free,(AP) you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me,(AQ) because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence,(AR) and you are doing what you have heard from your father.[b](AS)

39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,”(AT) said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me,(AU) a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.(AV) Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”(AW)

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”(AX)

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me,(AY) for I have come here from God.(AZ) I have not come on my own;(BA) God sent me.(BB) 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil,(BC) and you want to carry out your father’s desires.(BD) He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.(BE) 45 Yet because I tell the truth,(BF) you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.(BG) The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

Jesus’ Claims About Himself

48 The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan(BH) and demon-possessed?”(BI)

49 “I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50 I am not seeking glory for myself;(BJ) but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51 Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”(BK)

52 At this they exclaimed, “Now we know that you are demon-possessed!(BL) Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that whoever obeys your word will never taste death. 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham?(BM) He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?”

54 Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself,(BN) my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me.(BO) 55 Though you do not know him,(BP) I know him.(BQ) If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and obey his word.(BR) 56 Your father Abraham(BS) rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it(BT) and was glad.”

57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born,(BU) I am!”(BV) 59 At this, they picked up stones to stone him,(BW) but Jesus hid himself,(BX) slipping away from the temple grounds.


  1. John 8:28 The Greek for lifted up also means exalted.
  2. John 8:38 Or presence. Therefore do what you have heard from the Father.
  3. John 8:39 Some early manuscripts “If you are Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then