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Yet yakˈni cawxo Comam Jesús huneˈ naj camnajilo yoj

Lahwi tuˈ xin, istopaxo Comam Jesús yul con̈ob Jerusalén yin̈ huneˈ iskˈin̈ anma Israel chiecˈ yul con̈ob tuˈ. Bey yul con̈ob Jerusalén tuˈ xin, iscawilal ispultahil bay chˈocto noˈ meˈ, haˈ tuˈ ay huneˈ ha haˈ ton̈e etxan. Yul abxubal hebreo Betesda isbi huneˈ haˈ tuˈ. Istiˈla haˈ tuˈ xin, aycan̈ howeb n̈a machi yich. Caw xin txˈiˈal anma yaˈay hilanejayo yul huntekˈan n̈a tuˈ. Ay mac mach chu yilni, ay xin mac mach chu yeqˈui, aypaxo mac mach chibili isnimanil. Huntekˈan anma yaˈay tuˈ ayco yechman isbilican̈ haˈ, yuto caw yin̈n̈e istiempohal chihulayti huneˈ naj ángel isbile haˈ, macn̈eticˈa babel chiayto yet chibilican̈ haˈ xin, haˈ chian̈chahi, cat yel tzettaj yabilal ayco yin̈.

Xol anma yaˈay tuˈ ayayo huneˈ naj treinta y ocho habilxa yoc yabil yin̈. Hayet yilni Comam Jesús ta hilanayo naj bey tuˈ, istxumnilo Comam tato caw payxa ichico naj, yalni Comam tet naj:

―¿Chimhawoche chaẍan̈chahi? ẍi Comam.

Yalni naj tet Comam hacaˈ tiˈ:

―Mamin, caw machi hunu mac chinanaytojan xol haˈ tiˈ yet chibilican̈ haˈ. Hayet chinaytojan xol haˈ walnihan, nan mac chibabayto insatajan, ẍi naj tet Comam.

Yalni Comam tet naj xin:

―Ahan̈wanoj, ican̈ hawaybal tiˈ, cat hatohi, ẍi Comam tet naj.

Yin̈n̈ena tuˈ iscawxican̈ naj, yoc naj yinocan̈ iswaybal, isto naj xin. Hayet yan̈chacano naj tuˈ, cˈuxan istzˈayical xewilal, 10 yuxinto yal ebnaj yahawil yin̈ con̈ob Israel tet naj hacaˈ tiˈ:

―Wal tinan̈, caw istzˈayical xewilal, caw mach chu hawijnicˈo hawaybal tiˈ, ẍi ebnaj tet naj.

11 Istakˈwican̈ naj cawxican̈ tuˈ:

―Haˈ mac maquinakˈni cawxojan, haˈ mahalni wetan hacaˈ tiˈ: “Ican̈ hawaybal, cat xin hatohi,” ẍi wetan, ẍi naj tet naj yahawil tuˈ.

12 Iskˈamben ebnaj tet naj:

―¿Mac xin najil mahalni tawet, ta chawican̈ hawaybal cat xin hatohi? ẍi ebnaj. 13 Wal xin caw mach yohtajo naj mac akˈni cawxo tuˈ, yuto caw hantan̈e anma bey tuˈ, caw xin pet cˈaycan̈ Comam Jesús xol anma.

14 Lahwi tuˈ xin, ischahnayo Comam Jesús naj yul yatut Comam Dios, yalni Comam tet naj:

―Wal tinan̈, caw macachcawxiloj. Matxa chawaco yakˈbil hamul haxinwal matxa hunuxa isyaˈtajil caw txˈoj chul tawiban̈, ẍi Comam tet naj.

15 Lahwi tuˈ xin, isto naj yalno tet ebnaj yahawil yeco yin̈ con̈ob Israel tato haˈ Comam Jesús akˈni cawxo naj. 16 Hac tuˈ xin, yu yoccano ebnaj yanoco ishowal yin̈ Comam isyayil yakˈ cawxo Comam huneˈ naj yin̈ istzˈayical xewilal. 17 Yalni Comam Jesús xin:

―Inmaman, maẍticˈa chisbej ismunlahi, yuxin haquintuˈan, maẍticˈa chinbejcanojan inmunlahan, ẍi Comam.

18 Hac tuˈ xin, caw yacanico ebnaj yahawil con̈ob Israel tuˈ yin̈ iscˈul yakˈni camo Comam Jesús, yuto mach isyije Comam huneˈ tzˈayic xewilal.

Ishelanil yip Iscˈahol Comam Dios

19 Yalni Comam Jesús tet ebnaj:

―Yin̈ caw isyelal chiwalcanojan teyet, caw Iscˈahol Dios wehan, yuxin haˈ huntekˈan chinwatxˈetiˈan caw mach wetojan inchuquilan. Haˈ tzet chakˈ Inmaman inwatxˈehan, haˈ chiwuhan, yuxinto sunil tzet chiswatxˈe Inmamtuˈan, caw chiyupaxo wuhan. 20 Wal hanintiˈan, Iscˈahol Dios wehan, caw xin xahan ayinan yu Inmamtuˈan. Sunil tzet chinwatxˈehan Inmamtuˈan chiyeni wetan. Ayto xin huntekˈan tzet caw ay yelapno chisye Inmamtuˈan wetan cat inwatxˈenan, hac tuˈ xin chicˈay hecˈul heyilni. 21 Wal Inmamtuˈan chiyu yakˈni itzitzbocan̈ camom, cat xin yakˈnipaxo iskˈinal mach istan̈bal. Haquinpaxtuˈan chiwakˈan kˈinale tet mac bay choche incˈulan chiwakˈan. 22 Machi hunu anma chiyil Inmaman yin̈ tzet chielicoj, walxinto haninan akˈbil wipan yu Inmaman yu wilnihan yin̈ tzet chielico anma. 23 Caw yul inkˈaban ayco huntekˈan tiˈ yu Inmaman yun̈e lahann̈e chˈoc inmayan yeb Inmaman. Yaj tato ay anma machi welapnojan yul sat, caw machipaxo yelapno Inmaman yul sat chal tuˈ, yuto Inmamtuˈan chejn̈eintijan.

24 Yin̈ caw isyelal chiwalan teyet, macn̈eticˈa chˈaben tzet chiwaltiˈan, cat yanayto yul yanma yin̈ Inmaman chejn̈eintijan, chischah iskˈinal mach istan̈bal. Hac tuˈ xin mach chicawxico ismul yiban̈, caw wiyom yel yul iskˈab naj camical, cat ischahnicano iskˈinal yin̈ huneln̈e. 25 Wal hanin Iscˈahol Comam Dios wetiˈan, caw chiwalcanojan teyet tato chihul istiempohal, haˈ ton tinan̈ yet chaben anma camom wawihan; haˈ mac chiaben tzet chiwaltiˈan xin chischah iskˈinal mach istan̈bal. 26 Wal Inmaman, haˈticˈa ikˈn̈e iskˈinal, haquinpaxtuˈan win̈an ayco inkˈinalan yu Inmaman. Hacaˈ chu yakˈni Inmaman iskˈinal anma, hac tuˈ chu wakˈnipaxojan. 27 Chakˈnipaxo Inmaman wipan yul inkˈaban wilnihan yin̈ tzet chielico anma, ta cˈul maca txˈoj tzet chiswatxˈe. Ay huneˈ wiptiˈan yuto Hanin Akˈbilintijan texol yu Inmaman. 28 Caw mach cheyakˈ cˈayo hecˈul yin̈ huntekˈan tzet chiwalcanojan teyet tiˈ. Wal xin caw chiapni istiempohal yet chaben sunil anma camomxa yul innukˈan, cat xin yitzitzbican̈. 29 Macn̈eticˈa cˈul tzet iswatxˈe yul sat yiban̈kˈinal tiˈ, chiitzitzbican̈ cat ischahni huneˈ iskˈinal mach istan̈bal, walpaxo anma caw istxˈojaln̈eticˈa hulicˈo iswatxˈe yul sat yiban̈kˈinal tiˈ, chiitzitzbican̈ cat xin ischahni isyaˈtajil, ẍicano Comam Jesús.

Comam Dios chitzotel yin̈ Comam Jesús

30 Yalnipaxo Comam Jesús tet ebnaj yahawil yeco yin̈ con̈ob Israel:

―Wal hanintiˈan, caw machi hunu tiˈ chinwatxˈehan yul wetan inchuquilan. Hacaˈ halbil wetan yu Inmaman hac tuˈ chu wilnihan yin̈ tzet chielico anma, yajaˈ chiwilan yin̈ tzet chielico yin̈ caw istoholal. Yuxin haˈ tzet chal iscˈul Inmaman an̈eintijan, haˈ chinwatxˈehan, maẍtaj tzet chiwochehan.

31 Tato han‑caw‑inan chinocan tzotelo yin̈ sunil tzet chinwatxˈehan, caw matzet chalilo chal tuˈ. 32 Yajaˈ ay huneˈ mac caw chakˈ isba istzotel win̈an, caw xin wohtajan ta sunil tzet chala caw yeli.

33 Yet hechejnito hechejab tet naj Juan hekˈambeno tzet caw yelapno ye naj, caw isyelal yal naj teyet. 34 Yaj maẍtaj yu wikˈni wipan yin̈ tzet chal anma yuxin chiwalan huneˈ tiˈ teyet, machoj, walxinto yu hecolchahi. 35 Naj Juan tuˈ, caw lahan naj hacaˈ hunu cantil ayco kˈaˈ yin̈, nahat chimujli iskˈakˈal. Caw hac tuˈ yu yulicˈo naj, yuxinticˈa quextzalacan̈ yu naj hanicˈ tiempohal.

36 Yajaˈ ay huneˈ tzet caw ecˈbal yelapno ye sata tzet yal naj Juan tuˈ win̈an, sunilej cˈaybalcˈule yakˈ Inmaman inwatxˈehan, haˈ chitzotel win̈an. Haˈ xin chiyeniloj tato haˈ Inmaman quinanitijan. 37 Haˈ Inmaman an̈eintijan haˈ chitzotel win̈an, walex hex tiˈ caw maẍto bay cheyabe istzoteli, caw maẍto chetxumilo mac caw Inmaman. 38 Caw maẍto Istzotiˈ Inmamtuˈan yul heyanma, yuto mach cheyayto yul heyanma win̈an, wal xin haˈ Comam Dios an̈eintijan.

39-40 Hex tiˈ caw cheyil hecuyni Istzotiˈ Comam Dios, yuto chˈecˈ yin̈ henabal ta yin̈ tuˈ chiilchalo hekˈinal mach istan̈bal. Yajaˈ waxan̈ca Istzotiˈ Comam Dios tuˈ chitzotel win̈an, yajaˈ mach chisje hecˈul chexoc tzujno wintajan yun̈e hechahni hekˈinal mach istan̈bal chiwakˈtiˈan.

41 Maẍtaj yu yalaxico inmayan yu anma yuxin chiwalan huntekˈan tzotiˈ tiˈ. 42 Wal hacaˈ quexwilnitiˈan, caw mach cheyoche Comam Dios. 43 Hanintiˈan caw chejbilintijan yu Inmaman, yaj caw mach cheyabe tzet chiwalan. Wal tato hunuxa naj comon anma chihul yeb yet, wal tuˈ caw sakˈal heyijen sunil tzet chal naj. 44 ¿Tzetticˈa chu heyanayto yul heyanma tato hemay cheyaco hununex, wal helanil chitit tet Comam Dios, caw mach chicam hecˈul hesayniloj?

45 Tajca cheyala tato hanintiˈan chinocan akˈocˈule yin̈ hemul tet Inmaman, walxinto haˈ caw naj Moisés chioc akˈocˈule teyin̈, naj bay chicawxi hecˈul. 46 Wal xin tato cheyayto yul heyanma yin̈ tzet tzˈibn̈ebilcano yu naj Moisés, chimheyapaxayto yul heyanma win̈an, yuto win̈an chitzotel huntekˈan tzet tzˈibn̈ebilcano yu naj. 47 Yajaˈ tato mach cheyayto yul heyanma yin̈ tzet tzˈibn̈ebilcano win̈an yu naj tuˈ, tzicˈanab chiyu heyanayto yul heyanma yin̈ sunil tzet chiwaltiˈan, ẍi Comam tet ebnaj.

The Healing at the Pool

Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate(A) a pool, which in Aramaic(B) is called Bethesda[a] and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. [4] [b] One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”(C) At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.

The day on which this took place was a Sabbath,(D) 10 and so the Jewish leaders(E) said to the man who had been healed, “It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat.”(F)

11 But he replied, “The man who made me well said to me, ‘Pick up your mat and walk.’

12 So they asked him, “Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk?”

13 The man who was healed had no idea who it was, for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there.

14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning(G) or something worse may happen to you.” 15 The man went away and told the Jewish leaders(H) that it was Jesus who had made him well.

The Authority of the Son

16 So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. 17 In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father(I) is always at his work(J) to this very day, and I too am working.” 18 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him;(K) not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.(L)

19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself;(M) he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. 20 For the Father loves the Son(N) and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these,(O) so that you will be amazed. 21 For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life,(P) even so the Son gives life(Q) to whom he is pleased to give it. 22 Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son,(R) 23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.(S)

24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me(T) has eternal life(U) and will not be judged(V) but has crossed over from death to life.(W) 25 Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come(X) when the dead will hear(Y) the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. 26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life(Z) in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to judge(AA) because he is the Son of Man.

28 “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming(AB) when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.(AC) 30 By myself I can do nothing;(AD) I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,(AE) for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.(AF)

Testimonies About Jesus

31 “If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true.(AG) 32 There is another who testifies in my favor,(AH) and I know that his testimony about me is true.

33 “You have sent to John and he has testified(AI) to the truth. 34 Not that I accept human testimony;(AJ) but I mention it that you may be saved.(AK) 35 John was a lamp that burned and gave light,(AL) and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.

36 “I have testimony weightier than that of John.(AM) For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing(AN)—testify that the Father has sent me.(AO) 37 And the Father who sent me has himself testified concerning me.(AP) You have never heard his voice nor seen his form,(AQ) 38 nor does his word dwell in you,(AR) for you do not believe(AS) the one he sent.(AT) 39 You study[c] the Scriptures(AU) diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life.(AV) These are the very Scriptures that testify about me,(AW) 40 yet you refuse to come to me(AX) to have life.

41 “I do not accept glory from human beings,(AY) 42 but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts. 43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. 44 How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God[d]?(AZ)

45 “But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses,(BA) on whom your hopes are set.(BB) 46 If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.(BC) 47 But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?”(BD)


  1. John 5:2 Some manuscripts Bethzatha; other manuscripts Bethsaida
  2. John 5:4 Some manuscripts include here, wholly or in part, paralyzed—and they waited for the moving of the waters. From time to time an angel of the Lord would come down and stir up the waters. The first one into the pool after each such disturbance would be cured of whatever disease they had.
  3. John 5:39 Or 39 Study
  4. John 5:44 Some early manuscripts the Only One