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Li Santil Musikˈej nocoxtenkˈa chi cua̱nc saˈ ti̱quilal

Anakcuan ut ma̱cˈaˈ chic li tojba ma̱c saˈ xbe̱neb li nequeˈpa̱ban re li Cristo, li incˈaˈ chic nequeˈxba̱nu li nequeˈxrahi ru lix chˈo̱leb. Nequeˈxba̱nu ban li naraj li Santil Musikˈej. Lix cuanquil li Santil Musikˈej li naqˈuehoc yuˈam saˈ xcˈabaˈ li Jesucristo, aˈan nacoloc cue chiru lix cuanquil li ma̱c ut li ca̱mc. Li najter chakˈrab incˈaˈ naru toxcol chiru li ma̱c ut li ca̱mc. Ma̱cˈaˈ xcuanquil re kacolbal xban nak incˈaˈ nocoru chixba̱nunquil li naxye. Incˈaˈ nocoru chixba̱nunquil li naxye xban nak chalen chak saˈ kayoˈlajic la̱o aj ma̱c. Aban li Dios xoxcol chiru li ma̱c. Quixtakla chak li Jesucristo li Ralal chi tzˈejcualocˈ saˈ ruchichˈochˈ. Li Ka̱cuaˈ Jesucristo quixmayeja rib re xsachbal xcuanquil li ma̱c. Li Cristo quixsach xcuanquil li ma̱c re nak naru takaba̱nu li ti̱quilal joˈ naxye saˈ li chakˈrab. Incˈaˈ chic takaba̱nu li naxrahi ru li kachˈo̱l. Anakcuan takaba̱nu li cˈaˈru naxye li Santil Musikˈej. Ut eb li toj nequeˈxba̱nu li najter naˈleb, caˈaj cuiˈ li cˈaˈru naxrahi ru lix chˈo̱leb nequeˈxcˈoxla xba̱nunquil. Abanan eb li nequeˈcuan joˈ naxye li Santil Musikˈej, eb aˈan nequeˈxqˈue xchˈo̱l chixba̱nunquil li cˈaˈru naraj li Santil Musikˈej. Cui caˈaj cuiˈ li naxrahi ru li kachˈo̱l nakacˈoxla, aˈan naxcˈam chak li ca̱mc saˈ kabe̱n. Cui nakaqˈue kachˈo̱l chixba̱nunquil li naraj li Santil Musikˈej, aˈan naxqˈue ke li kayuˈam chi junelic ut naxqˈue ajcuiˈ ke li tuktu̱quil usilal. Li toj yo̱queb chixba̱nunquil li naxrahi ru lix chˈo̱leb, cuanqueb saˈ xi̱qˈuilal riqˈuin li Dios ut incˈaˈ nequeˈraj xcubsinquil rib rubel xcuanquil lix chakˈrab li Dios chi moco nequeˈru chixba̱nunquil. Joˈcan nak li toj nequeˈxba̱nu li naxrahi ru lix chˈo̱leb, incˈaˈ nasahoˈ xchˈo̱l li Dios riqˈuin li nequeˈxba̱nu. Abanan la̱ex incˈaˈ chic yo̱quex chixba̱nunquil li naxrahi ru le̱ chˈo̱l. Yo̱quex ban chixba̱nunquil li cˈaˈru naraj li Santil Musikˈej cui ya̱l nak cuan li Santil Musikˈej e̱riqˈuin. Li ani ma̱cˈaˈ li Santil Musikˈej riqˈuin, aˈan ma̱cuaˈ re li Cristo. 10 Cui li Cristo cuan e̱riqˈuin, usta ac tenebanbil li ca̱mc saˈ e̱be̱n xban li ma̱c, yoˈyo le̱ musikˈ xban nak ti̱cobresinbil chic le̱ chˈo̱l xban li Dios. 11 Li Santil Musikˈej, aˈan li quicuaclesin cuiˈchic re chi yoˈyo li Cristo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak. Cui li Santil Musikˈej quicuaclesin re li Cristo, aˈan ajcuiˈ ta̱cuaclesi̱nk re le̱ tzˈejcual chi yoˈyo re li junelic yuˈam xban nak li Santil Musikˈej cuan e̱riqˈuin. 12 Joˈcan ut ex inherma̱n, tento nak te̱ba̱nu li naraj li Santil Musikˈej ut ma̱cuaˈ li cˈaˈru naxrahi ru le̱ chˈo̱l. 13 Cui toj yo̱quex chixba̱nunquil li naxrahi ru le̱ chˈo̱l, texca̱mk. Aban cui riqˈuin e̱tenkˈanquil xban li Santil Musikˈej, te̱canab xba̱nunquil le̱ yehom e̱ba̱nuhom li quilaje̱ba̱nu chak junxil, ta̱cua̱nk e̱yuˈam chi junelic. 14 Chixjunileb li nequeˈba̱nun re li cˈaˈru naraj li Santil Musikˈej, aˈaneb tzˈakal ralal xcˈajol li Dios. 15 La̱ex xecˈul li Santil Musikˈej ut ma̱cˈaˈ chic e̱xiu. Moco joˈquex ta junak li mo̱s naxxucua ru lix patrón. Xban nak li Santil Musikˈej cuan kiqˈuin, la̱o ban tzˈakal ralal xcˈajol li Dios. Joˈcan nak nakaye “at inYucuaˈ” re nak nocotijoc. 16 Li Santil Musikˈej naxchˈolob xya̱lal chiku, ut nakecˈa saˈ li ka̱m nak la̱o chic ralal xcˈajol li Dios. 17 Ut xban nak la̱o ralal xcˈajol li Dios, kochben li Cristo nak take̱chani chixjunil li quixyechiˈi ke li Dios. Cui totzˈako̱nk riqˈuin li raylal li quixcˈul li Cristo, joˈcan nak toxotzˈako̱nk ajcuiˈ kochben saˈ lix nimal xlokˈal. 18 La̱in ninye nak li raylal yo̱co chixcˈulbal anakcuan incˈaˈ takaqˈue saˈ kachˈo̱l xban nak moco juntakˈe̱t ta riqˈuin li usilal takacˈul mokon xban nak numtajenak cuiˈchic lix nimal xlokˈal li rusilal li Dios tixqˈue ke. 19 Chixjunil li cˈaˈ re ru yi̱banbil xban li Dios yo̱queb chi xyoˈoninquil nak ta̱cuulak xkˈehil nak li Dios tixqˈue xlokˈaleb li ralal xcˈajol. 20 Li ruchichˈochˈ tzˈekta̱nanbil xban li Dios. Moco yal quiraj ta nak quitzˈekta̱na̱c. Xban nak ac joˈcan chak saˈ xchˈo̱l li Dios. Abanan li ruchichˈochˈ toj yo̱ chixyoˈoninquil nak ta̱colekˈ. 21 Joˈcan nak li ruchichˈochˈ ta̱colekˈ chiru li tzˈekta̱na̱c. Ut xban xnimal rusilal li Dios, ta̱colekˈ li ruchichˈochˈ, joˈ nak teˈcolekˈ li ralal xcˈajol li Dios. 22 Nakanau nak li ruchichˈochˈ chalen anakcuan cuan saˈ raylal ut yo̱ chiroybeninquil nak ta̱usa̱k. Li ruchichˈochˈ, aˈan joˈ jun li ixk yo̱ chixcˈulbal li raylal nak ac qˈuira̱c re. 23 Ma̱cuaˈ caˈaj cuiˈ li ruchichˈochˈ naxcˈul li raylal. Nayotˈeˈ ajcuiˈ li kachˈo̱l la̱o aj pa̱banel xban li raylal nakacˈul, usta ac xkacˈul li Santil Musikˈej. Li Santil Musikˈej aˈan xbe̱n li kama̱tan naxqˈue ke li Dios. Yo̱co chiroybeninquil nak li Dios toxcˈul joˈ tzˈakal ralal xcˈajol ut ta̱jala̱k li katzˈejcual ut tixqˈue li kalokˈal. 24 Xban nak nocopa̱ban, colbilo. Aban cuan ajcuiˈ li ma̱tan toj ma̱jiˈ nakacˈul ut aˈan li toj yo̱co chiroybeninquil. Cui ta ac xkacˈul chixjunil, incˈaˈ raj chic yo̱co chi oybeni̱nc. 25 Aban li cˈaˈru nakoybeni incˈaˈ nakil ru ut tento takacuy roybeninquil. 26 Ut li Santil Musikˈej nocoxtenkˈa xban nak ma̱cˈaˈ naru nakaba̱nu kajunes. Incˈaˈ nakanau chanru nak totijok chi moco nakanau cˈaˈru takatzˈa̱ma. Aban li Santil Musikˈej natzˈa̱man chikix chiru li Dios riqˈuin yotˈba chˈo̱lej incˈaˈ naru xyebal yal riqˈuin a̱tin. 27 Li Dios naxnau cˈaˈru cuan saˈ kachˈo̱l ut naxnau ajcuiˈ lix cˈaˈux li Santil Musikˈej. Ut li Santil Musikˈej natzˈa̱man chikix la̱o aj pa̱banel joˈ naraj li Dios.

Li Jesucristo naxcˈut chiku nak li Dios nocoxra

28 Li Dios naxsukˈisi chokˈ usilal chixjunil li cˈaˈak re ru nequeˈxcˈul li nequeˈrahoc re li Dios, aˈ li bokbileb chixba̱nunquil li cˈaˈru naraj li Dios. 29 Chalen saˈ xticlajic li Dios quixnau aniheb li teˈpa̱ba̱nk re. Joˈcan nak quixsiqˈueb ru ut quixcˈuleb chokˈ ralal xcˈajol. Quixxakab li Jesucristo li Ralal re nak aˈanak li xbe̱n alalbej saˈ xya̱nkeb li ralal xcˈajol. 30 Najter chak kˈe cutan li Dios ac cuan saˈ xchˈo̱l ani li sicˈbileb ru xban, ut li sicˈbileb ru aˈan li quixbokeb; ut li quixbokeb, quixti̱cobresi lix chˈo̱leb ut naxqˈueheb ajcuiˈ xlokˈal. 31 ¿Cˈaˈru takaye chirix aˈin? Cui li Dios cuan kiqˈuin, eb li xicˈ nequeˈiloc ke incˈaˈ teˈnumta̱k saˈ kabe̱n. 32 Usta li Acuabej Dios kˈaxal raro li Ralal xban, incˈaˈ quixcol chiru li ca̱mc. Quixkˈaxtesi ban chi ca̱mc saˈ kacˈabaˈ la̱o. Cui quixqˈue li Ralal re ca̱mc, ¿ma incˈaˈ ta biˈ tixqˈue ke chixjunil li cˈaˈak re ru quixyechiˈi ke? 33 ¿Ani ta̱ru̱k ta̱yehok re nak cuanqueb xma̱c li sicˈbileb ru xban li Dios? Ma̱ ani, xban nak li sicˈbileb ru ti̱cobresinbileb chic lix chˈo̱l chiru li Dios. 34 ¿Ani ta̱ru̱k ta̱qˈuehok reheb laj pa̱banel saˈ tojba ma̱c? Ma̱ ani xban nak li Jesucristo quicam saˈ kacˈabaˈ ut li Dios quixcuaclesi cuiˈchic chi yoˈyo saˈ xya̱nkeb li camenak. Anakcuan aˈan cuan saˈ xnim ukˈ li Dios ut yo̱ chi a̱tinac chikix chiru li Dios. 35 ¿Cˈaˈru ta̱ru̱k ta̱isi̱nk ke riqˈuin li Cristo li narahoc ke? Ma̱cˈaˈ. Li ra xi̱cˈ incˈaˈ naru torisi, chi moco li raylal, chi moco li chˈaˈajquilal, chi moco li xi̱cˈ ilecˈ, chi moco li cueˈej, chi moco li cua̱nc saˈ nebaˈil, chi moco li camsi̱c. Ma̱cˈaˈ naru ta̱isi̱nk ke riqˈuin li Cristo li narahoc ke. 36 Joˈcaˈin tzˈi̱banbil saˈ li Santil Hu:

Cuulaj cuulaj yo̱queb chixcˈoxlanquil kacamsinquil saˈ a̱cˈabaˈ. Chiruheb aˈan chanchano li carner li nequeˈcˈameˈ chi camsi̱c.

37 Aban li Jesucristo nocoxra ut nocoxtenkˈa chixcuybal ut chixnumsinquil chixjunil li raylal nakacˈul. 38 Ninnau chi tzˈakal nak ma̱cˈaˈ naru ta̱isi̱nk ke riqˈuin lix rahom li Dios. Li ca̱mc incˈaˈ naru torisi riqˈuin lix rahom chi moco li cˈaˈak re ru nakacˈul saˈ li kayuˈam. Eb li ángel incˈaˈ naru toeˈrisi chi moco eb li cuanqueb xcuanquil saˈ ruchichˈochˈ, chi moco lix cuanquil li cˈaˈak re ru chi musikˈejil. Li cˈaˈak re ru nakacˈul anakcuan incˈaˈ naru torisi riqˈuin xrahom li Dios chi moco li cˈaˈak re ru ta̱cha̱lk. 39 Li cˈaˈak re ru cuan takecˈ, chi moco li cˈaˈak re ru cuan takˈa saˈ ruchichˈochˈ incˈaˈ naru torisi riqˈuin lix rahom li Dios. Chi ya̱l, ma̱cˈaˈ naru ta̱isi̱nk ke riqˈuin lix rahom li Dios. Quixcˈut chiku nak nocoxra nak quixqˈue li Jesucristo chi ca̱mc re kacolbal.

Life Through the Spirit

Therefore, there is now no condemnation(A) for those who are in Christ Jesus,(B) because through Christ Jesus(C) the law of the Spirit who gives life(D) has set you[a] free(E) from the law of sin(F) and death. For what the law was powerless(G) to do because it was weakened by the flesh,[b](H) God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh(I) to be a sin offering.[c](J) And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement(K) of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.(L)

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires;(M) but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.(N) The mind governed by the flesh is death,(O) but the mind governed by the Spirit is life(P) and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God;(Q) it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh(R) cannot please God.

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh(S) but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.(T) And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,(U) they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you,(V) then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life[d] because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead(W) is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies(X) because of[e] his Spirit who lives in you.

12 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.(Y) 13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die;(Z) but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body,(AA) you will live.(AB)

14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God(AC) are the children of God.(AD) 15 The Spirit(AE) you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again;(AF) rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.[f] And by him we cry, “Abba,[g] Father.”(AG) 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit(AH) that we are God’s children.(AI) 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs(AJ)—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings(AK) in order that we may also share in his glory.(AL)

Present Suffering and Future Glory

18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.(AM) 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God(AN) to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it,(AO) in hope 21 that[h] the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay(AP) and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.(AQ)

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning(AR) as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,(AS) groan(AT) inwardly as we wait eagerly(AU) for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.(AV) 24 For in this hope we were saved.(AW) But hope that is seen is no hope at all.(AX) Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.(AY)

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit(AZ) himself intercedes for us(BA) through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts(BB) knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes(BC) for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good(BD) of those who love him, who[i] have been called(BE) according to his purpose.(BF) 29 For those God foreknew(BG) he also predestined(BH) to be conformed to the image of his Son,(BI) that he might be the firstborn(BJ) among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined,(BK) he also called;(BL) those he called, he also justified;(BM) those he justified, he also glorified.(BN)

More Than Conquerors

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things?(BO) If God is for us,(BP) who can be against us?(BQ) 32 He who did not spare his own Son,(BR) but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will bring any charge(BS) against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns?(BT) No one. Christ Jesus who died(BU)—more than that, who was raised to life(BV)—is at the right hand of God(BW) and is also interceding for us.(BX) 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?(BY) Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?(BZ) 36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[j](CA)

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors(CB) through him who loved us.(CC) 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future,(CD) nor any powers,(CE) 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God(CF) that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.(CG)


  1. Romans 8:2 The Greek is singular; some manuscripts me
  2. Romans 8:3 In contexts like this, the Greek word for flesh (sarx) refers to the sinful state of human beings, often presented as a power in opposition to the Spirit; also in verses 4-13.
  3. Romans 8:3 Or flesh, for sin
  4. Romans 8:10 Or you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive
  5. Romans 8:11 Some manuscripts bodies through
  6. Romans 8:15 The Greek word for adoption to sonship is a term referring to the full legal standing of an adopted male heir in Roman culture; also in verse 23.
  7. Romans 8:15 Aramaic for father
  8. Romans 8:21 Or subjected it in hope. 21 For
  9. Romans 8:28 Or that all things work together for good to those who love God, who; or that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good—with those who
  10. Romans 8:36 Psalm 44:22
  11. Romans 8:38 Or nor heavenly rulers