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Mɨ˜ caguiéngˈˉ Jesús fɨˊ quiniˇ dseata˜ Pilato

27  Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ cajneáˉ e jmɨɨ˜ jo̱, lajaléngˈˋ fii˜ jmidseaˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ lajaléngˈˋ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ dseaˋ cǿøngˈ˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel casɨ́ɨiñˉ røøˋ quiáˈˉ jial laco̱ˈ niguiéˈrˊ e nijngáiñˈˉ Jesús. Jo̱ catǿˉbre dseaˋ do e ˈñúuiñˈ˜ jo̱ cangojeáaiñˆ fɨˊ quiniˇ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ siiˋ Pilato i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ jaangˋ dseata˜ romano.

Mɨ˜ cajúngˉ Judas Iscariote

Jo̱ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ siiˋ Judas Iscariote, i̱ dseaˋ i̱ cajángˈˋ Jesús fɨˊ jaguóˋ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do, mɨ˜ cangárˉ e jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ tɨˊ lɨ˜ nijngámˈˉbre Jesús, jo̱baˈ jo̱b mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ calɨlíˈrˆ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ dseeˉ e caˈéerˋ do, jo̱guɨ cajoˈˉ dsíirˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e nɨcajméerˋ do, jo̱baˈ cajá̱bˈˋtu̱r i̱ fii˜ jmidseaˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ i̱ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ dseaˋ cǿøngˈ˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel do lají̱i̱ˈ˜ e guiguiˊ íˈˋ cuteeˋ e caˈíñˈˋ quiáˈˉ e cajáiñˈˋ Jesús do, jo̱ lalab cajíñˈˉ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ:

—Nɨcaˈeeˉbaa dseeˉ e nɨcajáanˈ˜n fɨˊ ni˜ ˈmóˉ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ jaˋ røøngˋ dseeˉ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ capíˈˆ.

Jo̱baˈ i̱ dseaˋ do cañíirˋ quiáiñˈˉ:

—¿E˜ cuaiñ˜ quíˉ jneaˈˆ e cajmeeˉ ˈnʉˋ lajo̱? ¡Cuaiñ˜ quíibˉ ˈnʉˋ e jo̱!

Jo̱ i̱ Judas do fɨˊ dob cabírˋ e cuuˉ do fɨˊ dsíiˊ sɨnʉ́ʉˆ guáˈˉ féˈˋ jo̱ cagüɨˈɨ́ɨˊbre jo̱ cangote̱ˈrˋ siˋ luur˜ e cangojngáangˈˇ ˈñiaˈrˊ.

Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ fii˜ jmidseaˋ do casɨtɨ́ɨmˊbre e cuuˉ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—E cuuˉ la nɨsɨˈlɨˈˆ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jmɨˈøøngˉ dseaˋ, jo̱ jaˋ cuǿøngˋ faˈ e nidsitóoˈ˜guɨ fɨˊ dsíiˊ guóoˊ lɨ˜ dsiˈma˜ cuuˉ quiáˈˉ guáˈˉ.

Jo̱ jo̱b mɨ˜ casɨ́ɨiñˉ røøˋ e nilárˉ co̱o̱ˋ uǿˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ e cuuˉ do; jo̱ e uǿˆ jo̱ siiˋ Uǿˉ lɨ˜ uøˈˊ Dseaˋ Guóoˈ˜ quiáˈˉ e Jmóorˋ Tuˈˊ. Jo̱ jo̱b lɨ˜ cajmeˈrˊ co̱o̱ˋ codsiiˇ lɨ˜ niˈáaiñˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ jalíingˉ fɨˊ caluuˇ i̱ lɨngɨɨng˜ júungˉ fɨˊ fɨɨˋ do. Jo̱baˈ e uǿˉ do siiˋbɨ cajo̱ latɨˊ lana Uǿˉ lɨ˜ Catu̱u̱ˋ Jmɨˈøøngˉ. Jo̱ jo̱b calɨti˜ laco̱ˈ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ e cajíngˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ calɨsíˋ Jeremías, jaangˋ i̱ caféˈˋ cuaiñ˜ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ malɨɨ˜guɨ eáangˊ, mɨ˜ cajíñˈˉ lala: “Cacá̱ˉbre lajɨˋ guiguiˊ cuteeˋ lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈguɨ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ ˈmóoˈ˜ cacuøˊ dseaˋ Israel, 10 jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ e cuuˉ jo̱b calárˉ e guóoˈ˜ uǿˉ e siiˋ Uǿˉ lɨ˜ uøˈˊ dseaˋ Guóoˈ˜ quiáˈˉ e Jmóoˋ Tuˈˊ, lɨ́ˈˆ laco̱ˈguɨ ta˜ e caquiʉˈˊ Fíiˋi.”

Mɨ˜ caguiéngˈˉ Jesús fɨˊ quiniˇ dseata˜ Pilato

11 Jo̱ mɨ˜ caguiéngˈˉ Jesús fɨˊ quiniˇ i̱ dseata˜ i̱ siiˋ Pilato do, jo̱ íˋ cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ Jesús:

—¿Su e jáˈˉbaˈ e ˈnʉˋ lɨnˈˊ dseata˜ dseaˋ féngˈˊ i̱ quie̱ˊ nifɨˊ quiáˈˉ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ góoˈˋ dseaˋ Israel?

—ˈNʉbˋ nɨcaféeˈ˜guɨˈ —cañíiˋ Jesús.

12 Jo̱ lajeeˇ e teáangˉ i̱ fii˜ jmidseaˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ dseaˋ cǿøngˈ˜ e jmóorˋ dseeˉ quiáˈˉ Jesús, dsʉˈ dseaˋ do jaˋ e ngɨ́ɨrˋ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ íˋ. 13 Jo̱ uíiˈ˜ jo̱baˈ cajmɨngɨ́ɨˋ dseata˜ Pilato cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ Jesús jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¿Su jaˋ nuuˈˋ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ dseeˉ e cuøˈˊ i̱ dseaˋ na ˈnʉˋ?

14 Jo̱ dsʉˈ Jesús jaˋ cañíirˋ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ camɨ́ˈˆ júuˆ quiáˈˉ dseata˜ do; jo̱baˈ i̱ dseata˜ do eáamˊ cangogáˋ dsíirˊ jo̱ joˋ ñirˊ e˜ nijméˉguɨr.

Mɨ˜ cahuɨ̱́ˈˋ ta˜ e nijúungˉ Jesús

15 Jo̱ lajeeˇ e jmɨɨ˜ e gøˈˊ dseaˋ Israel iñíˈˆ e jaˋ quie̱ˈˆ quiéengˋ jo̱ tɨ́ɨngˋ i̱ dseata˜ do e láaiñˋ jaangˋ dseaˋ sɨjnɨ́ɨngˇ ˈnʉñíˆ lɨ́ˈˆ doñiˊ i̱i̱ˋ i̱ niguíngˈˋ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ. 16 Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱ niˈiuungˉ jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ nɨnicaˈléeˊ eáangˊ i̱ siiˋ Jesús Barrabás. 17 Jo̱baˈ cajíngˈˉ i̱ dseata˜ do cajmɨngɨ́ˈrˉ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ:

—¿I̱˜ dseaˋ iing˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e nilaanˉ? ¿Su Jesús Barrabás o̱faˈ Jesús i̱ siiˋ Dseaˋ Jmáangˉ dob é?

18 Jo̱ dsʉˈ calɨlíˈˆ i̱ dseata˜ do e cajángˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ do Jesús uíiˈ˜ e dsihuɨ́ɨmˊbre quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do.

19 Jo̱ lajeeˇ guiing˜ i̱ dseata˜ Pilato do fɨˊ lɨ˜ quiʉˈrˊ ta˜, lajeeˇ jo̱b caguiéˉ júuˆ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseamɨ́ˋ quiáˈrˉ do jo̱ sɨ́ˈˋreiñˈ: “Jaˋ e jmooˈˋ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ jaˋ dseeˉ røøngˋ na, dsʉco̱ˈ dsiˈlóoˆbɨ gabˋ caquɨ́ˋɨ uíiˈ˜ quiáˈrˉ.”

20 Jo̱ dsʉˈ jaléngˈˋ i̱ fii˜ jmidseaˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ dseaˋ cǿøngˈ˜ cacǿøiñˉ dsíiˊ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ e laco̱ˈ nileángˋ i̱ Barrabás do jo̱guɨ e nijúumˉ Jesús. 21 Jo̱ dsʉˈ i̱ dseata˜ Pilato do cajmɨngɨ́ˈˉtu̱r caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¿I̱˜ lajeeˇ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ gángˉ la iing˜ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ e nilaanˉ? ¿Su Jesús o̱faˈ Barrabás?

Jo̱baˈ i̱ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ do cañíirˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¡Leaangˉ Barrabás!

22 Jo̱ caleáˋ catú̱ˉ cajmɨngɨ́ɨˋtu̱ dseata˜ Pilato jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Jo̱ ¿e˜guɨ nijmee˜ jnea˜ jóng có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús i̱ siiˋ Dseaˋ Jmáangˉ la?

Jo̱baˈ lajɨɨmˋ i̱ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ do cañíirˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¡Güɨtáiñˉ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ!

23 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ dseata˜ Pilato quiáˈˉ i̱ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ do jo̱ cajíñˈˉ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ:

—¿E˜guɨ e gaˋ e nɨcajméerˋ e catɨ́iñˉ lajo̱?

Jo̱ dsʉˈ caleábˋtu̱ cacuøˊ i̱ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ do ˈgooˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—¡Güɨtáiñˉ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ!

24 Jo̱ co̱o̱bˋ mɨ˜ joˋ ñiˊ dseata˜ Pilato e˜ nijméˉguɨr, co̱ˈ dseángˈˉ gabˋ taˈˊ i̱ dseaˋ do mɨ́ɨˈ˜ e mɨrˊ e nitángˉ Jesús fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ, jo̱baˈ caquiʉˈrˊ ta˜ dseaˋ quiáˈrˉ e cangoquie̱iñˋ jmɨɨˋ jo̱ caru̱ˈrˊ guóorˋ fɨˊ quiniˇ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Jaˋ dseeˉ quiéˉe lají̱i̱ˈ˜ ˈmóˉ nitɨ́ngˉ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ la, co̱ˈ cuaiñ˜ quíiˉ ˈnʉ́ˈˋ yaam˜baˈ na.

25 Jo̱baˈ lajɨɨmˋ dseaˋ fɨɨˋ cañíirˋ:

—¡Jneabˈˆ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ jó̱o̱ˋnaaˈ nineˈˉ niˋnaaˈ lají̱i̱ˈ˜ ˈmóˉ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ na!

26 Jo̱ dseata˜ Pilato caleáamˋbre Barrabás; jo̱ caquiʉˈrˊ ta˜ e cabǿømˉ Jesús, jo̱ mɨfɨ́ɨngˋ cajámˈˋbre dseaˋ do e quiáˈˉ nitáiñˈˉ do fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ.

27 Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ ˈléeˉ quiáˈˉ i̱ dseata˜ do catǿˉbre Jesús fɨˊ ˈnʉfɨ́ˋ jo̱ casíñˈˋ yaaiñ˜ lacúngˈˊ lajíngˉ laco̱ˈ singˈˊ dseaˋ do. 28 Jo̱ i̱ ˈléeˉ do caˈuøˈˊbre sɨ̱ˈˆ Jesús jo̱ caˈiaiñˈˊ dseaˋ do co̱o̱ˋ jmáangˈ˜ ˈmɨˈˊ e nʉ́ˈˋ. 29 Jo̱guɨ catá̱ˈrˉ co̱o̱ˋ lɨ́ˈˆ corona e lɨ́ɨˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ layaang˜ tó̱o̱ˊ fɨˊ mogui˜ dseaˋ do, jo̱guɨ co̱o̱ˋ sɨɨˉ cacuøˈrˊ dseaˋ do jo̱ casaiñˈˉ do fɨˊ guóorˋ dséeˊ. Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, casíˈrˋ uǿˉ jnir˜ fɨˊ quiniˇ dseaˋ do jo̱ lǿøiñˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ sɨ́ˈrˋ lala:

—¡Majmiféngˈˊnaaˈ dseata˜ dseaˋ féngˈˊ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel!

30 Jo̱guɨ ˈñíimˊbɨr dseaˋ do cajo̱, jo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜ e sɨɨˉ e cacuøˈrˊ dseaˋ do, có̱o̱ˈ˜ e jo̱b canaaiñˋ bárˋ fɨˊ mogui˜ dseaˋ do. 31 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e jmóorˋ ta˜ lǿøngˉ dseaˋ do, cajé̱bˈˋtu̱r e jmáangˈ˜ ˈmɨˈˊ do jo̱ caquíngˈˊtu̱r dseaˋ do sɨiñˈˆ e lamɨ˜ quiˈrˊ, jo̱ cajéemˋbre dseaˋ do fɨˊ lɨ˜ nitáiñˉ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ.

Mɨ˜ catángˉ Jesús fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ

32 Jo̱ lajeeˇ e nɨngolíiñˉ jéeiñˋ dseaˋ do, cajíñˈˊ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ guiáˈˆ fɨˊ i̱ siiˋ Simón i̱ niseengˋ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ fɨɨˋ e siiˋ Cirene; jo̱ caquiʉˈˊ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jéengˋ Jesús do ta˜ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ íˋ e cajéeiñˈˋ do crúuˆ quiáˈˉ Jesús.

33 Jo̱ mɨ˜ caguilíiñˉ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ lɨ˜ siiˋ Gólgota e guǿngˈˋ Cuo̱ˈˋ Mogui˜ ˈLɨɨ˜, 34 jo̱ fɨˊ jo̱b cacuøˈrˊ Jesús jmɨ́ˈˆ mɨ́ˈˆ huɨɨngˋ jǿˈˆ e tí̱ˈˋ e sɨcáangˈˇ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jmɨ́ˈˆ dsiˈˆ e guíˈˉ; jo̱ co̱o̱ˋ nɨˈˋbaˈ calɨˈiing˜ dseaˋ do caˈɨ̱́ˈrˉ, jo̱ joˋ calɨˈiing˜guɨr faˈ caˈɨ̱́ˈˉguɨr.

35 Jo̱baˈ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ nɨcateáaiñˋ Jesús fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ, i̱ ˈléeˉ do canaaiñˋ cóorˋ e laco̱ˈ nigüeángˈˋ i̱˜ nilíˈˋ i̱ nicó̱o̱ˋ e sɨ̱ˈˆ dseaˋ do. 36 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ jo̱, dob caguárˋ e jmóorˋ íˆ Jesús lajeeˇ táangˋ dseaˋ do fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ. 37 Jo̱ fɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ gui˜ dseaˋ do caté̱e̱rˋ co̱o̱ˋ lɨ˜ tó̱o̱ˋ júuˆ e féˈˋ e˜ uiing˜ quiáˈˉ e jmángˈˋ dseaˋ írˋ lado, jo̱ lalab tó̱o̱ˋ: “I̱ lab Jesús, dseata˜ dseaˋ féngˈˊ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel.”

38 Jo̱ gángˉ ɨ̱ɨ̱ˋ catángˉ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús cajo̱, jmáˈˆ jángˋ crúuˆ la jaaiñˈˋ do, jaaiñˈˋ do táaiñˋ lɨ́ˈˆ lɨˊ dséeˊ jo̱ jaangˋguɨiñˈ do lɨ́ˈˆ lɨˊ tuung˜. 39 Jo̱ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ i̱ ngɨ́ɨngˊ fɨˊ lɨ˜ táangˋ Jesús fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ do, gabˋ féˈrˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ lɨco̱ˈ guiaˈrˊ mogui˜bre jǿøiñˉ dseaˋ do jo̱ féˈrˋ:

40 —ˈNʉˋ dseaˋ fóˈˋ e niquɨˈˆ guáˈˉ jo̱ nijméeˈˇtu̱ˈ caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜. Jo̱ song jáˈˉ e ˈnʉˋ lɨnˈˊ Jó̱o̱ˊ Fidiéeˇ i̱ camɨ́ɨngˈ˜ do, jo̱baˈ ¡leaangˉ uøˈˊ lɨ˜ táanˈˋ na jóng!

41 Jo̱ lajo̱bɨ jaléngˈˋ fii˜ jmidseaˋ cajo̱ có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ tɨfaˈˊ quiáˈˉ júuˆ quiʉˈˊ ta˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ dseaˋ cǿøngˈ˜ quiáˈrˉ lǿømˉbre dseaˋ do jo̱ féˈrˋ:

42 —Caleáamˋbre jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ jiéngˈˋ jo̱ lajo̱ güɨleáangˋ ˈñiaˈrˊ lana. Jo̱ song jáˈˉ e lɨ́ɨiñˊ dseata˜ dseaˋ féngˈˊ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel, jo̱baˈ güɨjgiáangˆ ˈñiaˈrˊ lɨ˜ táaiñˋ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ na jo̱ lajo̱guɨbaˈ jáˈˉ nilíiˋiiˈ jóng e lɨ́ɨiñˊ i̱ Jó̱o̱ˊ Fidiéeˇ camɨ́ɨngˈ˜ do. 43 Jo̱ song dseángˈˉ jáˈˉ lɨ́ɨiñˋ e Fidiéeˇ seengˋ có̱o̱ˈr˜, jo̱baˈ íbˋ catɨ́ɨngˉ nileángˋ írˋ lana song dseángˈˉ jáˈˉ e iing˜neiñˈ; co̱ˈ nɨcajímˈˉbɨr e lɨ́ɨiñˊ i̱ Jó̱o̱ˊ Fidiéeˇ camɨ́ɨngˈ˜ do, ¿jሠleáaˈ˜?

44 Jo̱ jɨˋguɨ jaléngˈˋ i̱ ɨ̱ɨ̱ˋ i̱ táangˋ cáangˋ Jesús do, gabˋ féˈrˋ uii˜ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ do cajo̱.

Mɨ˜ cajúngˉ Jesús

45 Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ catɨ́ˋ guieñíˈˉ jo̱ cartɨˊ la i̱i̱ˉ ˈnɨˊ e caˈlóoˉ dseángˈˉ canʉʉˋ sǿbˈˋ fɨˊ e guóoˈ˜ uǿˉ jo̱. 46 Jo̱ lajeeˇ jo̱b mɨ˜ caˈóoˋ Jesús e teáˋ jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Elí, Elí, ¿lama sabactani? —e guǿngˈˋ: Fidiéeˇ quiéˉe, Fidiéeˇ quiéˉe, ¿jialɨˈˊ nɨcatiunˈˊ jnea˜?

47 Jo̱ i̱ lɨɨng˜ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˉ do ie˜ jo̱ canúurˉ e cajíngˈˉ Jesús lajo̱, jo̱baˈ cajíñˈˉ:

—I̱ Líiˆ tǿˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ na, jaangˋ dseaˋ i̱ caféˈˋ cuaiñ˜ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ malɨɨ˜guɨ eáangˊ.

48 Jo̱ ladsifɨˊ lanab jaangˋ lajeeˇ i̱ dseaˋ do cangórˉ güɨˈíiˊ jo̱ cangoquie̱rˋ co̱o̱ˋ jooˋ jo̱ cajmiˈlearˊ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jmɨ́ˈˆ mɨ́ˈˆ huɨɨngˋ jǿˈˆ e tí̱ˈˋ jo̱ caquidsirˊ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ yʉ́ˈˆ sɨɨˉ jo̱ caˈúuiñˋ fɨˊ moˈooˉ dseaˋ do e laco̱ˈ niyʉ́iñˈˉ. 49 Jo̱ dsʉˈ i̱ dseaˋ caguiaangˉguɨ do cajíñˈˉ:

—Jéengˋguɨ cateáˋ, ne˜duuˈ su nigüéengˉ i̱ Líiˆ do i̱ nileángˋ írˋ.

50 Jo̱ Jesús calébˈˋ catú̱ˉ caˈóorˋ teáˋ lado, jo̱ ngɨ́ˋ jo̱ cajúmˉbre. 51 Jo̱ ladsifɨˊ lajo̱b calɨ́ˉ tú̱ˉ dseáˈˉ jóoˋ e ˈmɨˈˊ e íiˊ guiáˈˆ jóoˋ guáˈˉ féˈˋ e siˈˊ fɨˊ Jerusalén, co̱ˈ casíngˉ catɨˊ yʉ́ˈˆ jo̱guɨ cartɨˊ uii˜. Jo̱guɨ cajo̱ cajǿˈˋ uǿˉ jo̱guɨ cafíingˉ jaléˈˋ cu̱u̱˜ cóoˈ˜, 52 jo̱guɨ jaléˈˋ é̱e̱ˋ lɨ˜ teáangˈ˜ ˈlɨɨ˜ canabˊ; jo̱guɨ fɨ́ɨmˊ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ i̱ nɨcajúngˉ lamɨ˜ jéengˊguɨ cají̱bˈˊtu̱r. 53 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangɨ́ˋ e cají̱ˈˊtu̱ Jesús, jo̱ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ cají̱ˈˊtu̱ do cangolíiñˆ fɨˊ Jerusalén fɨˊ lɨ˜ lɨ́ɨˊ fɨɨˋ güeangˈˆ quiáˈˉ Fidiéeˇ, jo̱ fɨ́ɨmˊ dseaˋ i̱ cangángˉ írˋ fɨˊ jo̱.

54 Jo̱ mɨ˜ cangáˉ i̱ fii˜ ˈléeˉ do có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ teáangˉ có̱o̱ˈr˜ do i̱ jmóoˋ íˆ Jesús jial cajǿˈˋ uǿˉ jo̱guɨ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléˈˋ e calɨ́ˉguɨ do, jo̱baˈ eáamˊ cafǿiñˈˊ jóng jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—E nijábˈˉ e i̱ dseañʉˈˋ na lɨ́ɨiñˊ i̱ Jó̱o̱ˊ Fidiéeˇ camɨ́ɨngˈ˜ do.

55 Jo̱ ie˜ jo̱ dob teáangˉ i̱ fɨ́ɨngˊ dseamɨ́ˋ i̱ jǿøˉ catɨˊ huí̱i̱ˉ i̱ nɨcajalíingˉ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús catɨˊ lɨ˜ se̱ˈˊ Galilea jo̱guɨ i̱ nɨcajmɨcó̱o̱ˈ˜ quiáˈrˆ cajo̱. 56 Jo̱ jee˜ jaléngˈˋ i̱ dseamɨ́ˋ íˋ quiéengˋ Yሠi̱ seengˋ fɨˊ Magdala, jo̱guɨ Yሠniquiáˈˆ Tiáa˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ Séˆ, jo̱guɨ niquiáˈˆ jaléngˈˋ jó̱o̱ˊ yʉ́ʉˈ˜ Zebedeo cajo̱.

Mɨ˜ caˈángˉ Jesús

57 Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ ngóoˊ caˈíˋ nʉ́ʉˆ, caguiéˉ jaangˋ dseañʉˈˋ i̱ seaˋ cuuˉ eáangˊ i̱ siiˋ Séˆ i̱ seengˋ fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ fɨɨˋ e siiˋ Arimatea, jo̱ íˋ cangɨˊbre có̱o̱ˈ˜ Jesús lamɨ˜ jéengˊguɨ cajo̱. 58 Jo̱ i̱ dseañʉˈˋ íˋ cangóˉbre fɨˊ lɨ˜ guiing˜ dseata˜ Pilato jo̱ cangomɨr˜ fɨˊ e faˈ niˈáamˉbre Jesús. Jo̱baˈ cacuøbˊ i̱ dseata˜ Pilato do fɨˊ lajo̱. 59 Jo̱ cangojgiáamˇ i̱ Séˆ do Jesús fɨˊ lɨ˜ táaiñˋ fɨˊ dseˈˋ crúuˆ, jo̱ caquɨ́iñˈˋ dseaˋ do có̱o̱ˈ˜ co̱o̱ˋ ˈmɨˈˊ téˋ e niguoˈˆ, 60 jo̱ cangoˈáamˊbre dseaˋ do fɨˊ co̱o̱ˋ dsíiˊ tóˋ lɨ˜ jaˋ i̱i̱ˋ mɨˊ áangˋ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ jaangˋ; jo̱ uǿˉ quiáˈˉbre lɨ́ɨˊ lɨ˜ caˈáaiñˉ dseaˋ do, jo̱ jaˋ mɨˊ ngóoˊ eáangˊ caquiʉˈrˊ ta˜ e calɨ́ˉ e tooˋ é̱e̱ˋ do. Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ calɨ́ˉ, caquiéerˋ co̱o̱ˋ cu̱u̱˜ e dséeˉ e otooˋ é̱e̱ˋ do jo̱ cangámˈˉbre jóng. 61 Dsʉˈ i̱ Yሠi̱ seengˋ fɨˊ Magdala do có̱o̱ˈ˜guɨ i̱ Yሠjaangˋguɨ do, dob caje̱rˊ fɨˊ quiniˇ e tooˋ é̱e̱ˋ e lɨ˜ caˈángˉ Jesús.

Mɨ˜ cajméeˋ dseaˋ íˆ ooˉ é̱e̱ˋ quiáˈˉ Jesús

62 Jo̱ mɨ˜ tɨˊ lɨ˜ cajneáˉ e jmɨɨ˜ co̱o̱ˋguɨ do, jo̱ ie˜ jo̱ cangotíingˋ jmɨɨ˜ e jmiˈíngˈˊ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel, jo̱b mɨ˜ cangolíingˉ jaléngˈˋ fii˜ jmidseaˋ quiáˈˉ dseaˋ Israel co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈ˜ jaléngˈˋ dseaˋ Israel i̱ lɨ́ɨngˊ dseaˋ fariseo fɨˊ lɨ˜ guiing˜ dseata˜ Pilato jo̱ casɨ́ˈˉreiñˈ do:

63 —Dseata˜ quíˉiiˈ, tó̱o̱bˋ dsiˋnaaˈ e ie˜ lamɨ˜ seengˋguɨ i̱ dseaˋ i̱ jmɨgóoˋ do cajíñˈˉ e mɨ˜ ningɨ́ˋ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜ e cajúiñˈˉ, nijí̱bˈˊtu̱r caléˈˋ catú̱ˉ. 64 Jo̱ uiing˜ e jo̱baˈ síiˈ˜naaˈ ˈnʉˋ e nijméˉ dseaˋ íbˋ e lɨ˜ caˈángˉ dseaˋ do lajeeˇ ˈnɨˊ jmɨɨ˜, co̱ˈ jial fɨng lajeeˇ dseaˋ quiáˈˉbre nijalíingˉ e uǿøˋ jo̱ niguímˉbre dseaˋ do, jo̱ mɨ˜ nilɨcøøngˋguɨ lajo̱ nijmɨgóorˋ e nɨcají̱bˈˊtu̱ dseaˋ do. Jo̱guɨ song nilíˋ lajo̱, jo̱baˈ eáangˊguɨb gaˋ nilíˋ jóng laco̱ˈguɨ latɨˊ mɨ˜ uii˜ do.

65 Jo̱baˈ cañíiˋ dseata˜ Pilato jo̱ cajíñˈˉ:

—Lab teáangˉ ˈléeˉ i̱ cuǿøngˋ líˋ jmeáangˈ˜naˈ ta˜ i̱ nijméˉ íˆ ooˉ é̱e̱ˋ. Jo̱ güɨlíingˉnaˈ co̱lɨɨng˜ có̱o̱ˈr˜ jo̱ güɨjmeeˉnaˈ íˆ carˋ jiéˈˋ jí̱i̱ˈ˜ lɨ˜ quɨ́ˈˉ jmɨɨ˜ fɨˊ jo̱.

66 Jo̱ cangolíimˆbɨiñˈ do có̱o̱ˈ˜ i̱ ˈléeˉ do jo̱ cajméerˋ li˜ fɨˊ e cu̱u̱˜ féˈˋ e jnɨˊ e ooˉ é̱e̱ˋ do e laco̱ˈ jaˋ i̱i̱ˋ cuǿøngˋ nineáˉ; jo̱ dob caseáaiñˊ ˈléeˉ i̱ caguáˋ cajméeˋ íˆ e fɨˊ jo̱.

Judas Hangs Himself

27 Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have Jesus executed.(A) So they bound him, led him away and handed him over(B) to Pilate the governor.(C)

When Judas, who had betrayed him,(D) saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver(E) to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.”

“What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.”(F)

So Judas threw the money into the temple(G) and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.(H)

The chief priests picked up the coins and said, “It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money.” So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood(I) to this day. Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled:(J) “They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel, 10 and they used them to buy the potter’s field, as the Lord commanded me.”[a](K)

Jesus Before Pilate(L)

11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”(M)

“You have said so,” Jesus replied.

12 When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer.(N) 13 Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?”(O) 14 But Jesus made no reply,(P) not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.

15 Now it was the governor’s custom at the festival to release a prisoner(Q) chosen by the crowd. 16 At that time they had a well-known prisoner whose name was Jesus[b] Barabbas. 17 So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the Messiah?”(R) 18 For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him.

19 While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat,(S) his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent(T) man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream(U) because of him.”

20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed.(V)

21 “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor.

“Barabbas,” they answered.

22 “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?”(W) Pilate asked.

They all answered, “Crucify him!”

23 “Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.

But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar(X) was starting, he took water and washed his hands(Y) in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,”(Z) he said. “It is your responsibility!”(AA)

25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”(AB)

26 Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged,(AC) and handed him over to be crucified.

The Soldiers Mock Jesus(AD)

27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium(AE) and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him,(AF) 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said.(AG) 30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.(AH) 31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.(AI)

The Crucifixion of Jesus(AJ)

32 As they were going out,(AK) they met a man from Cyrene,(AL) named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross.(AM) 33 They came to a place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”).(AN) 34 There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall;(AO) but after tasting it, he refused to drink it. 35 When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots.(AP) 36 And sitting down, they kept watch(AQ) over him there. 37 Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.

38 Two rebels were crucified with him,(AR) one on his right and one on his left. 39 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads(AS) 40 and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days,(AT) save yourself!(AU) Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!”(AV) 41 In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. 42 “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel!(AW) Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe(AX) in him. 43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him(AY) now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” 44 In the same way the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

The Death of Jesus(AZ)

45 From noon until three in the afternoon darkness(BA) came over all the land. 46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[c] lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).[d](BB)

47 When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.”

48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar,(BC) put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. 49 The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.”

50 And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.(BD)

51 At that moment the curtain of the temple(BE) was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split(BF) 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[e] went into the holy city(BG) and appeared to many people.

54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding(BH) Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”(BI)

55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs.(BJ) 56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph,[f] and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.(BK)

The Burial of Jesus(BL)

57 As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. 58 Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. 59 Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 and placed it in his own new tomb(BM) that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. 61 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb.

The Guard at the Tomb

62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 63 “Sir,” they said, “we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’(BN) 64 So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body(BO) and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.”

65 “Take a guard,”(BP) Pilate answered. “Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.” 66 So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal(BQ) on the stone(BR) and posting the guard.(BS)


  1. Matthew 27:10 See Zech. 11:12,13; Jer. 19:1-13; 32:6-9.
  2. Matthew 27:16 Many manuscripts do not have Jesus; also in verse 17.
  3. Matthew 27:46 Some manuscripts Eloi, Eloi
  4. Matthew 27:46 Psalm 22:1
  5. Matthew 27:53 Or tombs, and after Jesus’ resurrection they
  6. Matthew 27:56 Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph