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Askartii Baa Ciise Ku Majaajilootay(A)

16 Markaasaa askartii isaga geeyeen barxaddii dhexdeeda, taasoo la odhan jiray [a]Baraytoriyon, waxayna isugu yeedheen askartii oo dhan. 17 Waxay u geliyeen dhar guduudan, oo taaj ayay qodxan uga texeen, oo madaxiisay saareen. 18 Markaasay salaameen oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Nabad, Boqorka Yuhuuddow. 19 Madaxana ayay cawsduur kaga dhufteen, oo wayna ku candhuufeen, oo u jilba joogsadeen, oo u sujuudeen. 20 Goortay ku majaajiloodeen dabadeed ayay dharkii guduudnaa ka qaadeen oo dharkiisii bay u geliyeen, markaasay wadeen in iskutallaabta lagu qodbo.

Ciise Waa Lagu Qodbay Iskutallaabta(B)

21 Waxaa ag marayay nin beeraha ka yimid, oo reer Kuranaya ah, oo Simoon la odhan jiray, oo ahaa aabbihii Aleksanderos iyo Rufus, kan ay ku qasbeen inuu iskutallaabtiisa u qaado. 22 Oo waxay u soo wadeen meel Golgota la odhan jiray, taasoo micneheedu yahay meeshii dhakada. 23 Waxay siiyeen inuu cabbo khamri xammeeti lagu daray, laakiin ma uu qaadan. 24 Oo goortay iskutallaabta ku qodbeen, dharkiisay qaybsadeen, wayna saami ku riteen mid kasta wuxuu qaadan lahaa. 25 Waxayna ahayd saacaddii saddexaad oo iskutallaabta ay ku qodbeen. 26 Waxaa lagu qoray meel ka korraysa isaga qorniinkii ashtakadiisii oo leh, BOQORKA YUHUUDDA. 27 Markaasaa waxaa iskutallaabo lagula qodbay laba tuug, mid midigtiisa, midna bidixdiisa. 28 Oo waxaa rumoobay Qorniinkii yidhi, Waxaa isaga lagu tiriyey sharcilaawayaasha. 29 Oo kuwii ag marayayna waa caayeen, oo intay madaxooda luleen, waxay yidhaahdeen, Kaaga macbudka duminayow oo saddex maalmood ku dhisayow, 30 isbadbaadi oo iskutallaabta ka soo deg. 31 Sidaas oo kalena ayaa wadaaddada sare dhexdooda ugu majaajiloodeen, iyaga iyo culimmadaba, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Kuwa kale ayuu badbaadiyey, qudhiisa isma badbaadin karo. 32 Masiixa oo ah Boqorka Israa'iil haddeer iskutallaabta ha ka soo dego si aannu u aragno oo u rumaysanno. Kuwii iskutallaabaha lagula qodbayna ayaa caayay.

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  1. Markos 15:16

The Soldiers Mock Jesus(A)

16 The soldiers led Jesus away into the palace(B) (that is, the Praetorium) and called together the whole company of soldiers. 17 They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. 18 And they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of the Jews!”(C) 19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 20 And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out(D) to crucify him.

The Crucifixion of Jesus(E)

21 A certain man from Cyrene,(F) Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus,(G) was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to carry the cross.(H) 22 They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”). 23 Then they offered him wine mixed with myrrh,(I) but he did not take it. 24 And they crucified him. Dividing up his clothes, they cast lots(J) to see what each would get.

25 It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. 26 The written notice of the charge against him read: the king of the jews.(K)

27 They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. [28] [a] 29 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads(L) and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days,(M) 30 come down from the cross and save yourself!” 31 In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him(N) among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! 32 Let this Messiah,(O) this king of Israel,(P) come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

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  1. Mark 15:28 Some manuscripts include here words similar to Luke 22:37.

Ciise Waa Lagu Qodbay Iskutallaabta(A)

26 Kolkay wadeen, waxay qabteen Simoon reer Kuranaya ah isagoo beeraha ka soo socda, waxayna saareen iskutallaabtii inuu Ciise ka daba qaado.

27 Waxaana la socday dad badan iyo dumar laabta garaacaya oo barooranaya. 28 Laakiin Ciise intuu u soo jeestay, wuxuu ku yidhi, Gabdhaha Yeruusaalemow, ha ii ooyina, laakiin u ooya qudhiinna iyo carruurtiinna, 29 waayo, bal eega, wakhtigu waa imanayaa goortay odhan doonaan, Waxaa barakaysan madhashada iyo uurarka aan weligood dhalin iyo naasaha aan weligood la nuugin. 30 Markaasay bilaabi doonaan inay buuraha ku yidhaahdaan, Nagu soo dhaca, oo ay gumburahana ku yidhaahdaan, Na qariya. 31 Waayo, hadday geedka qoyan waxaas ku sameeyaan, maxaa ku dhici doona kan engegan?

32 Waxaana lala waday laba kale oo xumaanfalayaal ah in lala dilo.

33 Markay yimaadeen meeshii la yidhaahda dhakada, halkaasay iskutallaabo ku qodbeen isaga iyo xumaanfalayaashii, mid midigta, kan kalena bidixda. 34 Markaasaa Ciise wuxuu yidhi, Aabbow, iyaga cafi, waayo, garan maayaan waxay samaynayaan. Markaasay dharkiisii qaybsadeen, wayna saami riteen. 35 Dadkuna way taagnaayeen iyagoo daawanaya. Taliyayaashuna way ku qosleen iyagoo leh, Kuwa kale ayuu badbaadiyey, kanu ha isbadbaadiyo, hadduu yahay Masiixa Ilaah, kan uu doortay. 36 Askartiina waa ku majaajiloodeen, oo intay u yimaadeen, ayay khal siiyeen, 37 oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Haddii aad tahay boqorka Yuhuudda, isbadbaadi. 38 Meel ka korraysay isagana waxaa ku qorraa qorniin leh, KANU WAA BOQORKA YUHUUDDA.

39 Xumaanfalayaashii deldelnaa midkood ayaa caayay isagoo leh, Miyaanad ahayn Masiixa? Annaga iyo qudhaadaba badbaadi. 40 Laakiin kii kale ayaa jawaabay oo canaantay isagoo leh, Miyaanad xataa Ilaah ka baqin, waayo, isku xukun baad tihiin? 41 Waayo, innaga waa inoo xaq, maxaa yeelay, waxaynu helnay abaalkii wixii aynu falnay, ninkanuse wax aan jid ahayn ma uu falin. 42 Markaasuu ku yidhi, Ciisow, i xusuuso goortaad boqortooyadaada ku timaado. 43 Wuxuu ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan kugu leeyahay, Maanta Firdooska ayaad igula jiri doontaa.

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The Crucifixion of Jesus(A)

26 As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene,(B) who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.(C) 27 A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed(D) for him. 28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.(E) 29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’(F) 30 Then

“‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”
    and to the hills, “Cover us!”’[a](G)

31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”(H)

32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed.(I) 33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, “Father,(J) forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[b](K) And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.(L)

35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him.(M) They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”(N)

36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him.(O) They offered him wine vinegar(P) 37 and said, “If you are the king of the Jews,(Q) save yourself.”

38 There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.(R)

39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”(S)

40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”(T)

42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[c](U)

43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”(V)

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  1. Luke 23:30 Hosea 10:8
  2. Luke 23:34 Some early manuscripts do not have this sentence.
  3. Luke 23:42 Some manuscripts come with your kingly power

17 Wayna kaxeeyeen Ciise. Markaas isagoo sita iskutallaabta ayuu u kacay meeshii Dhakada la yidhaahdo, oo af Cibraaniga lagu odhan jiray Golgota, 18 meeshaasay iskutallaabaha ku qodbeen isaga iyo laba kale, midba gees, Ciisena dhexda. 19 Bilaatosna wax buu qoray oo ku dhejiyey iskutallaabta dusheeda, waxaana ku qorraa, CIISIHII REER NAASARED, BOQORKA YUHUUDDA. 20 Haddaba Yuhuudda badideed ayaa qorniinkaas akhriday, waayo, meeshii Ciise iskutallaabta lagaga qodbay waa u dhowayd magaalada, oo qorniinkii wuxuu ku qorraa af Cibraaniga iyo af Roomaaniga iyo af Gariigga. 21 Sidaa daraaddeed wadaaddadii sare oo Yuhuudda waxay Bilaatos ku yidhaahdeen, Ha qorin, Boqorka Yuhuudda, laakiin qor, Kanaa yidhi, Waxaan ahay Boqorka Yuhuudda. 22 Bilaatos ayaa ugu jawaabay, Waxaan qoray ayaan qoray.

23 Haddaba askartii markay Ciise iskutallaabta ku qodbeen, dharkiisay qaateen oo ay afar meelood ka dhigeen, askari waliba meel buu qaatay, khamiiskiina way qaateen. Khamiiskii meella kama tollayn dusha iyo hoosta. 24 Sidaa daraaddeed waxay isku yidhaahdeen, Yeynan kala jeexin, laakiin aan u saami ridanno kii heli doona, inuu noqdo Qorniinka oo leh,

Iyagu waxay qaybsadeen dharkaygii.
Khamiiskaygiina way u saami riteen.

Haddaba waxyaalahaas askartii baa samaysay.

25 Waxaa Ciise iskutallaabtiisa ag taagnaa hooyadiis, iyo habaryartiis, Maryan afadii Kaloobaas, iyo Maryan tii reer Magdala. 26 Sidaa daraaddeed Ciise markuu arkay hooyadiis iyo kii xerta ahaa oo uu jeclaa oo ag taagan, ayuu hooyadiis ku yidhi, Islaan yahay, waa kaa wiilkaagii. 27 Markaasuu kii xerta ahaana ku yidhi, Waa taa hooyadaa. Oo saacaddaas dabadeed kii xerta ahaa ayaa gurigiisii u kaxeeyey.

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17 Carrying his own cross,(A) he went out to the place of the Skull(B) (which in Aramaic(C) is called Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others(D)—one on each side and Jesus in the middle.

19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: jesus of nazareth,(E) the king of the jews.(F) 20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city,(G) and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 21 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.”(H)

22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”

23 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom.

24 “Let’s not tear it,” they said to one another. “Let’s decide by lot who will get it.”

This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled(I) that said,

“They divided my clothes among them
    and cast lots for my garment.”[a](J)

So this is what the soldiers did.

25 Near the cross(K) of Jesus stood his mother,(L) his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.(M) 26 When Jesus saw his mother(N) there, and the disciple whom he loved(O) standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman,[b] here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

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  1. John 19:24 Psalm 22:18
  2. John 19:26 The Greek for Woman does not denote any disrespect.