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Ri tat Pablo cutoˈ rib chuwäch ri tat Félix, ri nim kˈatal tzij, rumal ri cäquibij ri winak aj Israel chrij

24  Xqueˈ job kˈij ri tat Pablo cˈo pa ri tinimit Cesarea aretak xopan ri tat Ananías ri qui nimal sacerdotes, e rachiˈl jujun chque ri nimak tak tataˈib aj Israel, xukujeˈ jun cojol tzij ri xukujeˈ cächˈaw pa qui wiˈ ri winak. Ri tataˈ riˈ, Tértulo u biˈ. Xeboc cˈu bi chuwäch ri nim kˈatal tzij chubixic ri mac chrij ri tat Pablo. Aretak xcˈam lok ri tat Pablo, ri tat Tértulo xuchap u bixic tzij chrij chuwäch ri nim kˈatal tzij, je cˈu riˈ xubij che ri tat Félix: ¡Chäjin la, tat Félix, lal ka nan, lal ka tat! Sibalaj maltiox che la chi rumal ech la cˈo nimalaj utzil pa we ka tinimit, man cˈo tä cˈu je waˈ je riˈ. Rumal cˈu ri nimalaj noˈj la, sibalaj utz banom la chukˈatic tzij puwiˈ ronojel. Ronojel ri banom la cäkil pa tak conojel ri tinimit, sibalaj cäkamaltioxij waˈ che la, tat Félix. Man cäkaj tä cˈut cäkaya nimalaj latzˈ che la. Xuwi cäkaj cäkabochiˈj la rech cäban la tokˈob, cujtatabej na la jun rat. We achi riˈ, xketamaj chi jawijeˈ chiˈ ri copan wi, xak cˈäx cuban chquixol ri winak, jeˈ jas jun nimalaj yabil. Pa ronojel ruwächulew cuyac chˈoj chquixol ri winak aj Israel, je riˈ chi xak cäquitasala quib. Ri areˈ cˈut are jun cˈamal qui be ri juleˈ winak ri qui takem ru tijonic ri Jesús aj Nazaret ri cäbix Nazarenos chque. Xukujeˈ xuban ri äwas u banic pa ri nimalaj rachoch Dios. Ri uj cˈut xkachapo. Are ta xkaj xkakˈat tzij puwiˈ, jas ri cubij ri ka pixab. Are cˈu ri tataˈ, Lisias u biˈ, ri cätakan pa qui wiˈ ri soldados, xunim rib ri areˈ. Rucˈ nimalaj chukˈab xresaj ri tat Pablo pa ka kˈab. Xubij cˈut chi ri winak ri cäquibij chrij ri tat Pablo chi cˈo u mac, rajwaxic queopan ucˈ la. Ri lal cˈut cuyaˈ cäcˈot la u chiˈ, cätaˈ la che, rech quetamaj la chi kas tzij waˈ ronojel ri tajin cäkabij chrij, ―xcha che ri tat Félix.

Xukujeˈ ri winak aj Israel ri e cˈo rucˈ ri tat Tértulo xquibij chi ronojel waˈ are kas tzij. 10 Ri nim kˈatal tzij xucˈut rucˈ ru kˈab chi cuyaˈ cächˈaw ri tat Pablo. Ri areˈ cˈut xubij: Wetam chi qˈuia junab chic cˈo la che kˈatal tzij pa qui wiˈ we winak riˈ, rumal riˈ cäquicot wanimaˈ quinbij quieb oxib tzij chuwäch la chutoˈic wib. 11 Cäcowin cˈu la quetamaj la chi cˈä teˈ cablajuj kˈij waˈ in opaninak pa ri tinimit Jerusalén chukˈijilaxic ri Dios. 12 Man cˈo tä cˈu chˈoj nu banom, man tajin tä quinchomala tzij rucˈ jachin jun aretak xinquirik pa ri nimalaj rachoch Dios. Man tajin tä quinsach qui cˈux ri winak pa tak ri rachoch Dios ri cäquimulij wi quib ri winak aj Israel, o jawijeˈ chiˈ ri xinquirik wi pa ri tinimit. 13 Waˈ we winak riˈ man quecowin taj cäquicˈut chuwäch la chi kas tzij ri tajin cäquibij chwij. 14 Quinkˈalajisaj cˈu chuwäch la, chi ri in are tajin quinpatänij ri qui Dios ri ka nan ka tat ojer. Jeˈ tajin quinbano jas ri cubij ru tzij ri Jesús ri kas Cˈamal ka Be, ri cäquibij ri winak aj Israel chi areˈ juleˈ tijonic waˈ ri man kas tzij taj. Quincoj in xukujeˈ ronojel ri tzˈibtal pa tak ri wuj re ru Pixab ri Moisés, xukujeˈ ri tzˈibtal pa tak ri qui wuj ri kˈalajisal tak re ru Lokˈ Pixab ri Dios. 15 Jas ri e areˈ, jeˈ cˈu ri in. Cuˈl nu cˈux chrij ri Dios chi quecˈastaj na conojel ri cäminakib ri caˈnom utzil pa ri qui cˈaslemal, xukujeˈ ri caˈnom etzelal. 16 Rumal riˈ amakˈel ronojel kˈij quincoj nu chukˈab rech man cˈo tä etzelal quinnaˈ pa ri wanimaˈ chuwäch ri Dios, o chquiwäch ri winak, ―cächa ri tat Pablo.

17 Ocˈowinak chi quieb oxib junab ri in bininak pa tak niqˈuiaj tinimit chic, te cˈu riˈ xintzelej lok jumul chic pa ri nu tinimit, xineˈ pa Jerusalén chuyaˈic ri puak, tobanic chque ri mebaˈib chilaˈ, xukujeˈ chuyaˈic sipanic cho ri Dios. 18 Tajin cˈu quinya ri nu sipanic pa ri nimalaj rachoch Dios, wesam chi ri äwas chwij, aretak xinquirik jujun winak aj Israel ri quepe pa Asia. Xa quieb oxib ri winak cˈolic, man cˈo tä cˈu cˈäx tajin quinban cucˈ. 19 Ri winak ri quepe pa Asia, ri xinquirik pa ri nimalaj rachoch Dios, e are waˈ ri rajwaxic quepe chuwäch la, cäquibij cˈut jas u wäch ri mac nu banom, we kas tzij cˈo cˈäx pa qui cˈux chwij. 20 We man je riˈ, chquibij baˈ ri winak ri e cˈo waral chanim, we cˈo jas jun mac xquirik chwij aretak xinoc chquiwäch ri qui nimakil ri winak aj Israel. 21 We cˈu ne are nu mac ri tajin cäquibij chi aretak in cˈo chquixol, co xinchˈawic, xinbij: “Cämic tajin cäkˈat alak tzij pa nu wiˈ rumal chi quincojo chi quecˈastaj na ri cäminakib,” ―xinchaˈ, ―xcha ri tat Pablo che ri tat Félix.

22 Ri tat Félix, aretak xuta ri xubij ri tat Pablo, kas cˈo retam chic chquij ri winak ri qui takem ru tijonic ri Jesús ri kas Cˈamal qui Be. Xuya na can ru chomaxic waˈ pa jun kˈij chic, xubij cˈu chque ri winak: Aretak cäpe ri tat Lisias, ri tataˈ ri cätakan pa qui wiˈ ri soldados, te cˈu riˈ kas quinwetamaj na jas u banic ronojel waˈ, ―xcha chque.

23 Xtakan cˈu ri tat Félix che ri qui nimal soldados, chajil re ri tat Pablo chi cutakej u chajixic. Xukujeˈ xubij che chi cuya che ri tat Pablo chi cuyaˈ queopan ri e utz rucˈ chuchˈabexic, xukujeˈ chuyaˈic ri rajwaxic che, man queukˈatej tä ri e areˈ.

24 Ocˈowinak chi quieb oxib kˈij, xopan chi jumul ri tat Félix rachiˈl ri nan Drusila ri rixokil. Ri areˈ are jun aj Israel. Xtakan cˈu chusiqˈuixic ri tat Pablo rech cätzijon cucˈ chrij ri cojonic che ri Jesucristo. 25 Aretak cˈut ri tat Pablo xuchap u tzijoxic chi rajwaxic cuban jicom jun che ru cˈaslemal, man cuban tä jun xak jas ri craj ri areˈ, xukujeˈ xutzijoj chi ri Dios cukˈat na tzij pa qui wiˈ ri winak pa ri qˈuisbal kˈij, xuxej rib ri tat Félix, xubij cˈu che ri tat Pablo: Xak jeˈ na laˈ, cuyaˈ cateˈc. Aretak cˈut cäbantaj ri jastak we, quintakan chi na jumul che a siqˈuixic, ―xcha che.

26 Are cˈu craj ri tat Félix chi ri tat Pablo cuya puak che rech cutzokopij bic. Rumal riˈ amakˈel cätakan chusiqˈuixic rech cätzijon rucˈ. 27 E ocˈowinak chi cˈu quieb junab, xak je riˈ ri xcaˈno. Te cˈu riˈ xqˈuextaj ri tat Félix che nim kˈatal tzij. Are xcanaj can ri tat Porcio Festo chuqˈuexel. Are cˈu ri tat Félix, are craj cuban canok jachique ri cäkaj chquiwäch ri winak aj Israel. Rumal riˈ xuya na can ri tat Pablo pa cheˈ.

Paul’s Trial Before Felix

24 Five days later the high priest Ananias(A) went down to Caesarea with some of the elders and a lawyer named Tertullus, and they brought their charges(B) against Paul before the governor.(C) When Paul was called in, Tertullus presented his case before Felix: “We have enjoyed a long period of peace under you, and your foresight has brought about reforms in this nation. Everywhere and in every way, most excellent(D) Felix, we acknowledge this with profound gratitude. But in order not to weary you further, I would request that you be kind enough to hear us briefly.

“We have found this man to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots(E) among the Jews(F) all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene(G) sect(H) and even tried to desecrate the temple;(I) so we seized him. [7] [a] By examining him yourself you will be able to learn the truth about all these charges we are bringing against him.”

The other Jews joined in the accusation,(J) asserting that these things were true.

10 When the governor(K) motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense. 11 You can easily verify that no more than twelve days(L) ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship. 12 My accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple,(M) or stirring up a crowd(N) in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. 13 And they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me.(O) 14 However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors(P) as a follower of the Way,(Q) which they call a sect.(R) I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,(S) 15 and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection(T) of both the righteous and the wicked.(U) 16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear(V) before God and man.

17 “After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor(W) and to present offerings. 18 I was ceremonially clean(X) when they found me in the temple courts doing this. There was no crowd with me, nor was I involved in any disturbance.(Y) 19 But there are some Jews from the province of Asia,(Z) who ought to be here before you and bring charges if they have anything against me.(AA) 20 Or these who are here should state what crime they found in me when I stood before the Sanhedrin— 21 unless it was this one thing I shouted as I stood in their presence: ‘It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.’”(AB)

22 Then Felix, who was well acquainted with the Way,(AC) adjourned the proceedings. “When Lysias the commander comes,” he said, “I will decide your case.” 23 He ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard(AD) but to give him some freedom(AE) and permit his friends to take care of his needs.(AF)

24 Several days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and listened to him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus.(AG) 25 As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control(AH) and the judgment(AI) to come, Felix was afraid(AJ) and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.” 26 At the same time he was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe, so he sent for him frequently and talked with him.

27 When two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus,(AK) but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews,(AL) he left Paul in prison.(AM)


  1. Acts 24:7 Some manuscripts include here him, and we would have judged him in accordance with our law. But the commander Lysias came and took him from us with much violence, ordering his accusers to come before you.