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12 Therefore when all men did together that thing, and asked (for) mercy of (or from) the Lord with weeping, in fasting/s by (or for) all three days, and kneeled [or cast down], Judas admonished them for to make them(selves) ready.

13 Forsooth he with (the) elder men thought for to go out, before that the king moved (his) host to Judea, and got the city, and to betake the end of the thing to the doom of the Lord. [Forsooth he with elder men thought, before that the king moved host to Judea, and got the city, for to go out, and to betake to doom of the Lord the out-going, or end, of the thing.]

14 Therefore he gave power of all things to God, (the) Maker (out) of nought of the world, and admonished his (men) to fight strongly, and stand till to the death [or unto death], for (the) laws, (the) temple, (the) city, (the) country, and (the) citizens; and he ordained the host about Modin.

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